Freedom of Speech | Teen Ink

Freedom of Speech

November 14, 2018
By clogic465 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
clogic465 SILVER, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone in the united states is lucky to have freedom of speech and being able to state their opinions.  They should be grateful and honored to have that privilege because lots of other countries don’t have the right to speak their opinions.  So many people in the world want to give their opinions and when they do they get punished for it.

Any opinion we have we can say and no one can punish us for it or do anything about it.  Everyone has different opinions that they can express freely, sure there might be people that don’t agree with others and that's fine.  That's what makes America a nice place so you can get your opinions out there and hopefully help or improve society for the better. Everyone grows, becomes more intelligent to succeed and never give up on what you believe in, your opinion does matter and it could change the world in a good way.  No matter what you do or say to share your opinion, it matters and uses your free will to show what you want.

No matter what anything is possible as long as you put your mind to it.  But with teachers, you can’t always say what you want or any of your opinions on certain things.  You could get in trouble, it's a school rule to not share some opinions. The united states are made a better place every year, at least everyone tries to make it a better place.  To improve the economy, environment, and our lives so everyone can live to the fullest of our lives. Fight for what you want to say it’s important, cause, in the long run, I might do you good in the future.   

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