Generational Legacy | Teen Ink

Generational Legacy

September 29, 2021
By willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
willplatten1 SILVER, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In springtime of 2017 I had the opportunity to represent Team USA as a national team athlete. I would be competing against some of the world's best opti sailors at just 11 years old. My name comes from the legacy I created during that amazing time as an athlete. During my first practice, I was one of two kids with the name Will. As the coach checks the roster for this year's team he is surprised to see the similarity and says “The team has a set of twins this year”, as he chuckles. He then he reads the names off the sheet “Will Michaels” 

The kid responds “HERE”. I glance over and realize that we have the same name. As Coach Marek continues down the list of names, my name pops up. He says, “Will Platten.”

I respond “Here”

 He then asks me if I have any nicknames. As I shake my head no with a shy and embarrassed look on my face he goes 

“Well then I will call you Willis' ' he states in his Sloviakian accent. From that moment on all my success in sailing, I will be known as Willis. All my fame and references will have my name as Willis. I will continue to carry on that legacy that I have created for myself throughout years of sailing, and hope to pass that legacy down to many more generations to come. I absolutely love this nickname, I feel like it defines my personality more than my real name. I have always thought of my nickname being the unique young kid that is ready to learn, but is also quite ambitious. I have always been the most daredevilish, and always the most laughable kid in the group no matter the setting. It always makes me feel like I am deserving and skilled enough to earn a title that powerful.

The author's comments:

This piece is a school assignment for composition. 

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