Got a Secret, can you keep it? | Teen Ink

Got a Secret, can you keep it?

December 19, 2022
By Dhanvi SILVER, South Delhi, Other
Dhanvi SILVER, South Delhi, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I live in two worlds; one is a world of books”
― Rory Gilmore

“Forgiving who you are, for what you stand to gain. Just know that if you hide, it doesn’t go away.”

Secrets are an essential part of life. Not having a secret is impossible. It is said that people with the most perfect, pristine and visible life, have the most horrifying secrets to hide. Secrets are a way to lock away whatever that is troubling you or causing you something other than happiness, in a lockbox, seal it in the back of your brain, and never look at it again. But, that doesn't happen. Maybe in a movie. Secrets have always, since the beginning of time, found a way to come out. The way they come out is - well, they’re secrets, they won’t come out in a glorified-happy-yay-joyous way. But do remember, secrets are pleasant.  

I have always found secrets to be fascinating. I am no philosopher, but the thrill of keeping a secret, or having a secret, maybe sneakingly sharing it, is exhilarating. It is an adrenaline rush in itself. I thought about how there are two types of secrets: the kind you want to keep in, and the kind you don't dare to let out.  It is an honour to keep a secret, and a betrayal to let one out. 

But, how does one, say, develop a secret? Theoretically, Oxford Dictionary defines ‘secret’ as something known about by only a few people; kept hidden from others. Practically, it is something you don’t want other people to know about. Maybe it’s embarrassing, or uninteresting. So you might think. Secrets are known to be interesting, no matter how big or small, how boring or juicy they might be. The idea that a person is hiding something and it is something they are scared, emphasis on the word scared, to share, is exciting. Least of all, it is stem-winding.

Beware, readers, harbouring tempting secrets, they are bound to come out. There are no secrets that time does not reveal.  I won’t be telling anyone, and neither should you. 

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