A World of Your Imagination | Teen Ink

A World of Your Imagination

March 24, 2023
By zoeylloydfuline BRONZE, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
zoeylloydfuline BRONZE, Niagara-On-The-Lake, Ontario
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A World of Your Imagination


Can we be honest? Has the movie ever been better than the book? That's right, never. When I was given the choice between movies or books, I had to pick books. I think both have their own unique qualities; movies can be more visually appealing and quicker. However, books, on the other hand, are more descriptive, and they're one of a kind. With all that being said, overall, I'd have to choose to read a book rather than watch a movie.

Let's start off with my main reason: I would pick books because I feel like I can get more invested in them than in a movie. A good book takes you into its embrace and lets you feel what the main characters feel. It makes you see what they see, and it's magical. Authors can describe things with so much detail that sometimes I forget it's just a book; that's the hard part when you finish it, though. You feel like you lost an entire world of adventure, but you'll always have another universe to dive right into—one of your choice.


As for my second reason, when you read a book, you get to know the person's thoughts and feelings; when you watch a movie, you can only understand what the actor shows through his or her facial expressions and actions, which feels a bit unnatural because they're putting on a show. A novel, on the other hand, doesn't have actors, so it feels more authentic. I find I can get lost in a book. Also, most of the time, as I said before, the books are way better. You can truly understand what's happening and learn from the book.

I know a lot of people who would disagree with me, and I can understand that, so this is the last and most important factor that I considered. To read a book, people always say you have to be able to visualize it in your head in order to understand what's really happening, when in reality, a really great book does all the work for you; they know how to describe the setting around you so you feel like you're there too. For me, I have no trouble picturing things in my head; it kind of just comes naturally to me.


Thus, my opinion will remain the same against all odds. Books mean the world to me, and I wouldn't give up the excitement when I start a new novel. So that is why I would choose a good book over a movie. I will admit that movies are a lot more convenient; however, I plead that you give books a try and see how mystical and remarkable they can be.

The author's comments:

I'm an avid book reader and want others to feel the same excitement i do when reading

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