Most Valuable to Me | Teen Ink

Most Valuable to Me

February 20, 2024
By Anonymous

Farming is the most valuable thing to me. Farming has been very important my whole life and it provides food for the whole world. I find enjoyment in waking up in the morning slipping on a pair of cowboy boots and going to feed cows. For many people it would be hard to be a farmer. A profession that is constantly changing plans and completely dependent on the weather. Farming can be one of the most taxing and rewarding professions at the same time. Working long hours late into the night can take a toll on a farmer's mental health. Many farmers experience many physical problems as they grow older but wouldn't change it for the world. I do not want to do anything but farm for the rest of my life. I also think that raising a family on the farm is the best thing in the world. Being raised on the farm has taught me how to work hard and get my stuff done. I get up and get to work every day no matter how cold or hot it is, the cattle still need to be fed every day. These values engraved in me from the day I could walk will help me throughout the rest of my life.  
Many people in my generation can't even hold a job, much less work hard and do a good job. That is why I think it is important to raise a family on the farm. Nobody has a family closer than a family that has grown up working side by side through the freezing cold and scorching heat.  
I enjoy running equipment around the farm. Some of my favorite activities include chisel plowing, cutting hay, driving grain cart, and combining corn. I like doing these because I jump in the tractor, get my music going, roll my carpet out, kick my shoes off, and just sit there for eight or more hours a day. I also enjoy working on equipment in the shop. I love the flexibility one day I will sit in a chisel plow all day. The next I could be in the shop welding or fabricating something to make life on the farm easier. I love moving dirt with excavators and bulldozers which happens on occasion. The possibilities of what I would do from day to day would be endless.  
Framing gives me purpose in my life. Working hard on the farm keeps my mind busy from constantly stressing about school or other activities. There are lot of people in my generation who always lay in bed all day, but I don't have the time to lay in bed. The world is going to keep turning all the time and farming is the thing that gives me purpose and the reason for my success. 

The author's comments:

This is a little article where I explain why farming is important to me.

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