Grew up | Teen Ink

Grew up

June 5, 2024
By sierrascott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
sierrascott SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I loved where I grew up, only about two minutes down the road from here. My house was so close to everything; my friends’ house, my elementary school, my high school, my favorite stores, and my family. My old neighborhood that I grew up in was like one big happy family. We happily happened to hang-out almost every single day together. To placate myself, I just think back to times when I was younger, living in that house. 

This means I was very close with my neighbors and thought of them like my brothers and sisters. All the kids in the neighborhood would come to my front yard right before dinner time and play wiffle ball. Us kids were not novices when it came to wiffle ball. We would play and play until it was time for everyone to go home and eat dinner. Even so, they would come back after dinner to have a bonfire and bond with one another, practically night owls. 

The house I grew up in was also two minutes away from my dearest friend's house. We rode our bikes so much that they could almost walk by themselves. One specific summer, me and that same friend that lived so close to me, spent the whole summer biking around. Since living so close to each other, we have been inseparable ever since. From biking in the heaviest storms to floating around in the pool on a hot summer day, I could be with her for hours and not get bored or annoyed. Me and Callie were infamous for being inseparable from not being apart from one another most of the time. 

The house I grew up in was also two minutes away from all the schools I have been to. If you forgot something at home you’d be back in the blink of an eye with the thing you’ve forgotten. Living close to my schools means I get to sleep in for extra time because I don’t have as long of a drive there. 

Overall, I wouldn’t trade the house or where  I grew up in for the world. I loved living there, there were so many beneficial things that made life enjoyable as a kid. Living close to people and places I love greatly influenced who I am today.

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