Culture and Support - The American Dream | Teen Ink

Culture and Support - The American Dream

June 6, 2024
By Anonymous

Culture supports and hinders achieving the American dream for all communities in the United States. Some people have to fight and work hard for the American dream, while others are born into it. For example, communities with less racial and economic segregation and better schools tend to succeed more in achieving the American Dream. 

In my experience, the American dream has been hard to achieve. Both of my parents have worked very hard their whole lives. Yet, they still struggle sometimes to pay the bills or do things. My dad was injured on the job, and as a result has not worked in a very long time. He applied for disability twice, but was rejected both times. He still has and can make money, but the fact that the government denied him is sad.

America itself is a great country, but unfortunately it is plagued by things that make it harder to achieve the American Dream, such as poverty, a lot of poor communities, and and unequal opportunities.  Another area that makes it hard to achieve the American Dream is inflation, ending up at the bottom of the economic ladder, racial issues, and not everyone has the same chances as others of achieving the American Dream.

The American dream is also often not achieved because of ethnicity, and lack of education. Most doors to a good future are hidden behind a combination of knowledge and wisdom that only a good education can offer, ethnicity also plays a big role in this topic as well. 

Achieving the dream is tough, as noted by Economist and public policy anylyst  Joseph Stiglitz who highlighted the growing problem of income inequality in the united states. Another big figure, American political scientist8 Robert Putnam has shed light on the unequal education opportunities. Former 44th president of the United States Barack Obama has also emphasized on the systemic barriers, such as minority communities. 

A lot of people work very hard in their lives, and sometimes get injured. But, a lot of people are denied social security/ disability from the government. To be exact, 63% of SSDI applications are denied by the government. This is a very big issue in the country because a lot of people who are older have health/ physical problems and cannot work anymore. What are these people supposed to do if they do not have any savings?

When immigrants come to the United States, they have their heads held high for achieving the american dream. But, achieving the Dream is a long and difficult journey that is filled with obstacles that are very hard to overcome. This is another example of achieving the dream being harder for others, especially immigrants coming to the United States for the very first time.


In conclusion, people across the United States such as me and my family have found it a bit more difficult to achieve the American dream. People, including myself, should take Education and growth very seriously so the hardship ends. Why? Because then we will all end up as cogs in a never ending wheel of struggling.

The author's comments:

I feel very strongly about this topic, and I have added a personal connection to it. 

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