My Plan to Change the World | Teen Ink

My Plan to Change the World

October 19, 2007
By Anonymous

My Plan to Change the World

The world is gigantic, and many people live in it. That is why when someone says they want to make a change in the world; no one is willing to help. However, it’s a simple concept; it is very easy to make a difference. If we start with something small, and many people decide to help, then we can make a difference that will affect the world. Even small changes can affect the world because a small idea can influence other ideas, and influence others to want to help as well. Each person in the world should find a way to use their talents and knowledge to help our world.

I was born in Brazil, and lived there until I was about nine years old. I learned, by watching, that there are more people that need help than people who are willing to help. Compared to the United States, Brazil is a poor country. There are many people living in the streets without homes; children without an education. Violence is a way of life there, because not everyone can get jobs. Some people need to steal in order to survive. Its absurd how there are so many problems that we need to end. I want to help my country as much as I can.

In an environment with people who need so much help, it’s not a hard thing to support others. The problem is that people are unwilling to help. I have decided that I want to live my life helping others. My future is already planned. I want to live in America until I am done with college, then I want to move back to Brazil. There, I will work in universities teaching English and possibly Spanish (foreign languages). Separate from my work, I want to gather a group of people who live in the streets, and are in need of help. I will teach them English, and Spanish for free; that way the can obtain jobs. Also, outside from that, I will provide homes, food, and other basic necessities.

My plan and only wish is to help others. I want my story to be about a girl who worked hard to study and make money to help others achieve success. I believe in being helpful to others not to be recognized but to affect people’s lives in a positive way, like the bible tells us to. I will also teach my group about the love of god, and the difference he can make in their lives. He inspired me to make this preparation. He has his own plans for each of our lives. We just have to seek him, and he will give us the strength we need to go on..

What I am going to do to help others is not going to affect the world by itself. Though, it may influence other ideas, as well as others to want to help. Small things you do for the world make simple differences, and little by little, our world will become an improved place to live in. I made a decision to help others, because I feel I have to give back to the world that has given me so many opportunities. If everyone decided to help, then we could all make the world a better world for all of us.

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This article has 1 comment.

Vatsal said...
on Aug. 21 2016 at 9:23 am
Sorry my typing mistake it is "loved",and sorry again.

Vatsal said...
on Aug. 21 2016 at 9:23 am
Sorry my typing mistake it is "loved",and sorry again.

Vatsal said...
on Aug. 21 2016 at 9:22 am
Your story is very touching i liord it a lot.Wish you luck for this work which you want to do.

Vatsal said...
on Aug. 21 2016 at 9:22 am
Your story is very touching i liord it a lot.Wish you luck for this work which you want to do.

on Jan. 26 2016 at 5:15 pm
why just brazil why not help the whole world