Grades | Teen Ink


May 2, 2008
By Anonymous

I am going to write about good grades. Usually I get pretty good grades, but I would like to get better. Around A’s os B’s I usually get. TO some people that is fantastic, but to my parents is is sub-par. They expect me to be getting at least a 3.5 GPA when I really don’t care about school right now. Honestly I think it is just a big waste of time, but that is just me. I will probably snap out of that phase and really realize that you need to have a good education to get good grades, and you have to have good grades to get into a good collage, and to get a job you need to go to a pretty good collage. So while I am getting around a 3.2 GPA I could be doing much better, I could meet my parents standards, no breeze. But I actually want to have a life. I want to go out with my friends on Friday nights, I want to be able to chill on the weekends with my friends and not be stuck inside all day working on that Civil War project, I just want to live a normal life. Sometimes I just think they expect way to much from a guy like me. Like, I get all of the stuff that we are learning in class, but its that I really don’t want to put in the effort to get the good grade, even though it will meet my parents standards. To be quite honest I think the teachers, and school districts are expecting to much from us kids. I don’t think that they get that we are kids, and what do kids want to do… Have fun, going out and hitting up a movie once and a while, going down to the beach to hit up some waves. We just want to have fun, but we cant when we have loads and loads of homework every night. For me I get pretty descent grades, even though my parents want me to do better, I am a kid and I just want to have fun.

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This article has 1 comment.

lexielou said...
on Aug. 8 2008 at 7:34 pm
that was so true, you did an awesome piece and its totally totally true. my parents always make me go above what i should be doing and i don't want to. but super good job