We are too Dependent on The Internet | Teen Ink

We are too Dependent on The Internet

April 12, 2013
By TheExquisiteWritter BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
TheExquisiteWritter BRONZE, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Its 11:59 PM, and my English essay is due online at 2:00 am. My Internet crashes due to the thunderstorm what do I do? Do I write it on paper hoping that my teacher understands and collect it? Do I just give up and not do the paper? What should I Do?

People are to dependent on computers. Even teachers which is the sad part. Most teachers no longer have assignments turned in on paper. Almost everything these days are online. People are losing focus on what's really important, because the Internet is draining the knowledge out our brains.

Where do we listen to music? Where do we watch movies? Where do we converse with friends? The answer to that question is the Internet; everything we do involves the Internet which is not good.

On an average day of a teen consist of school or work, which is usually on the computer depending on where they work. After school or work a teen usually goes home and hop straight on the computer. Usually on a social network like Face book, Twitter, Instagram,Oovoo and Skype. That usually takes an average of 3-4 hours then they go to sleep, and the process repeats the next day all over again. When was the last time you went to the post office to send mail to someone? When was the last time you went to the Post office to send mail to someone? When was the last time you checked out a book from the library? People no longer know how to send mail through the post office, because people rely on the Internet to send e-mails. They no longer borrow books from the library due to the fact everything is online. We listen to the radio, and watch it online to find news instead of reading it in newspaper because the Internet and technology is making our society lazy and less active as a whole.

The Internet Is taking over our lives and making us lose knowledge, and we don't seem to notice. I feel that It gives teens to many distractions which makes us miss what's truly important. The Internet has been so influential that you start to see a decrease In students grade point average over time. People misuse the Internet everyday. Kids no longer take the time to read their book for answers, they go directly to Google. The Internet has cause many deaths due to cyber bullying which is another example of the Internet being misused. We rely on computers for everything , from paying bills, to applying for jobs, for online shopping and to get the answers to things they were unsure of.

Realistically, without the Internet we would all be lost and wouldn't know how to deal with situations in life. Internet has influenced everyone life, through some good and some bad. Internet has a negative affect when people misuse it. If you sit back and try to think about the last day you went without the Internet, a cell phone or TV, most likely you would have a hard time coming up with a answer. The Internet had become a part of every one's life and without it things would be more difficult.

The Internet is making us teens lose focus. Students can't go a whole school day without getting on the Internet to check websites such as face book and twitter or without googling their homework or class work to find the answers. The Internet is a huge distraction. People are less active. Out of a twenty-four hour day majority of the time is spent on computers leaving only a couple hours for you to do things that are not involving the computer. The Internet has also caused health problems for example eye strain, causing percentage of people who has to wear contacts or glasses.

The world, a big place that is full of people, is too dependent on the Internet without it we would be lost. If we took more time focusing on the things outside of technology we would be smarter people, we would have better reading skills and better health. Technology focused, we are not improving our intelligence nor our health. Minds ruined, our minds slowly draining the knowledge we took years to learn. Purposely, making our lives easier. The Internet is evil,and without it the people in this world would be smarter and more active with their lives.

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This article has 1 comment.

Awesomeee said...
on Apr. 29 2013 at 2:26 am
Great work i like the details