Humanity in Metamorphosis | Teen Ink

Humanity in Metamorphosis

May 14, 2013
By chivalrousGalaxy BRONZE, Coronado, California
chivalrousGalaxy BRONZE, Coronado, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes I think about whether the Earth will make a huge change like in the movies. Whether a technological revolution or a zombie apocalypse, I’m interested in seeing what it will be like. Maybe even excited for it.

Sure, you could go all justice blogger on me and say, “It’s YOUR job to change the world!” Well that would it make it your job too but instead you sit at your computer all day preach to people about feminism.

Getting off of the point. I’m not going to make this about me or anyone else in saying who should change the world. But I think about growing old a lot. It can be horizon-broadening, eye-opening or depressing. Age is the weirdest thing because you think, I’ve gotta enjoy being a kid- when I’m old I won’t be able to do the same things. But being old also seems nice. To me, at least. You get to relax and watch T.V. and knit junk.

So age makes me think, what will it be like when I’m old? Or more specifically, what will have changed about the world when I’m old?

When I’m older, I want to help the world change. For the better, hopefully. And it should be fun to watch it remodel.

I hope it changes a lot. Change is hard, but it’s also fun.

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