Technology: Good or Bad? | Teen Ink

Technology: Good or Bad?

May 24, 2013
By chloej.3 BRONZE, San Diego, California
chloej.3 BRONZE, San Diego, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Almost every minute of every day of our lives is consumed by cyberspace. Therefore, it is not unlikely for our generation to be constantly updated by the newest trend. Each day, our technology becomes more advanced, each version better, faster, and more convenient than the previous. But is the access to a quicker way of communication really adding to the quality of our lives, or taking away from it? In the end, computers, phones, and the internet altogether can cause some of the most private information to become public, friends to become disconnected, and people to become too wired-in.

Throughout the web, there are many ways to keep in touch through sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and e-mail. Although these sources of social media may allow friends and family all across the globe to chat online, many feel that it still does not substitute for a face-to-face conversation. Nowadays, many people with friends only a couple minutes from home do not meet face-to-face anymore. Instead, they chat online because to them, it is more convenient. This way of communication has caused many people to feel disconnected from their friends, only connected through a single wire.

Similarly, phones can cause problems too. In only a matter of seconds, news from a single phone can spread like a wildfire. Distance becomes but a number. One example of this was during the Boston Marathon. Years ago, it would have taken hours for the event to become nationwide knowledge. But now, a couple of minutes is all it takes. Just moments after the tragic event had occurred; pictures flew from personal phones to apps such as Instagram, allowing the news to travel as fast as a blink of an eye. On one hand, these images can help the police in search of clues; but on the other hand, it may encourage people to take justice into their own hands. Can we let an innocent bystander become a target just because of what they were wearing? Because of this, technology has proved to be a double edged sword.

Although technology can help us keep updated with the rest of the world and provide us with new information, it sometimes can be almost overwhelming. It can make us feel rushed. Almost every minute, new information is being forced upon us nonstop, enough to make your head hurt. Whether it is the newest trend or the newest invention, technology is almost relentless. It makes people feel as though they are outdated. What is “in” one day can be quickly “out” the next. This has even caused some people to stand on the sideline to the internet, watching its every move. And, it even gets to the point where every moment of their lives are intertwined into it, especially the younger generation. People have become too attached, too wired-in.

No matter what we do, there is no way for us to stop the use of technology all together for it has become but a lifestyle and a lifeline. It may make our lives easier and fast-paced, but is it really what we need? In the end, the words of Aldous Huxley stand true, “Technological progress has merely provided us with more efficient means for going backwards.” Just imagine where our lives will be in ten years with further technological advancement?

The author's comments:
With the addition of advanced technology, there is no doubt that our lives have been altered completely. However, despite the many advantages that technology offers, there are many drawbacks that come along as well, proving it to be a double edged sword.

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This article has 1 comment.

amyy said...
on Jun. 6 2013 at 11:21 pm
Hi! I think that this article really made me think about how much time our generation spends online. I hope that you continue to post more articles, reviews, and stories in the near future. :)