What Happens Along the Way | Teen Ink

What Happens Along the Way

September 25, 2008
By Anonymous

As I walk home alone from my bus stop, with nothing but the cement under my flimsy flip flops and the thick September air to accompany me, a sudden realization takes over my mind. I become conscious of the fact that monotony plagues my uneventful life. The same routine day after day, week after week; wake up after achieving less than half of the fundamental hours of sleep, take the yellow wagon to school and get useless work slapped in my face, then go home, and avoid starting the work until 11, then astoundingly finish, go to sleep and start the cycle over again.

What ever happened to the sitcom depiction of school? You know, where the giddy youngsters skip off to school, with a fresh apple for the loving teacher. Where everyone’s friends, and the lunchroom is for trading sandwiches (with the crust cut off by Mom of course!), and open group-studying for that killer Chemistry test.
No, I’ll tell you what happened to it. It was never there.
We’re working so hard to get into college, where we’ll go and work even harder, to get jobs that we’ll love for a few years, but grow to resent, which will turn us into bitter, alcoholic adults who then become cynical senior citizens.

So, as I’m walking home and as the cars whiz past me, I try and catch a glimpse into the soul of every driver. Did they get a promotion today? Are they dreading going home to a house full of ungrateful kids, and a lazy, belligerent husband? Or maybe they’re completely content with what life their cushy lives.

I’m sure it goes without saying, but as we all know, sitcoms and your parents have an undying tendency to paint a false picture of reality.
Your parents say “Oh, Bobby, how was school?!”
They really mean: “Tell me all the pleasant things, and don’t show any sign of moral negativity, academic weakness, or social retardation.”

People want to be told what they want to hear. So, naturally, we resort to the best thinkable alternative to the truth. Lying.
But really, the truth is great. Your parents should know everything about you. They’ve been through what you’re going through. They’re here to help and guide you through these formative years of adolescence.
See class, that’s an example pf lying.

So what I'm trying to establish here is, don’t let yourself evolve into coffee addicted, ant-depressant pill popping adult. Try to forget about obsessing over Myspace and skinny jeans, and go out side, take in the greatness around you, and don’t let a second of life go to waste…because it’s not where you’re going, its what happens along the way to get you there.

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This article has 1 comment.

jillybill said...
on Oct. 5 2008 at 4:58 am
haha this iz funny. you seem a bit cynical about life though i like this and think all teens could relate!