Nerd Girl | Teen Ink

Nerd Girl

October 15, 2013
By saradionne SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
saradionne SILVER, Ormond Beach, Florida
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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Nerd Girl
I am a nerd. No, I am not one of you pencil necked geeks, but one eccentric, weird, science-fiction loving freak. I am a girl who loves to get lost in a book. I take the stories too seriously, and I may become a little too attached. I am not ashamed, no. I am proud. I wear my nerdiness like a badge of honor. I display it high and proud, like a noble prize! Did I choose to be a nerd? No. But I’m not complaining. I watch educational videos on space and the government in my spare time. I watch TV shows a little too religiously, and I never miss a midnight premiere of movie and book releases. I am a reader of fan-fiction and a blogger of sorts. I have deeper relationships with books compared to my relationships with people.
Do not be confused. I am not a genius of any sort, but if challenged to a Harry Potter trivia duel, you best believe I will wreak havoc on my opponent, destroying them to nothing with my vast knowledge of quidditch, spells, and charms. When i am done with them, you would think they just had the avada kedavra curse used on them! I know more about the history of Hogwarts than of my own country and I may or may not have a cardboard cut out of one of the characters standing up in the corner of my room.
I am a nerd and I love it. I am the person who dresses up as characters for movies. I am the person who goes to conventions with fellow nerds. I drive space ships and tardis'. I am the person who wants to name my kids after my favorite fictional characters. all in all, I am a nerd, and I love it.

The author's comments:
A nerd writing about being a nerd. yeah.

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