C9 Sportswear | Teen Ink

C9 Sportswear

December 16, 2013
By Gerald Tetzlaff BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Gerald Tetzlaff BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Champion sportswear is not the champion of advertising. The advertisement shows two Caucasian, mid 20s to 30s, females, one in focus and one behind her out of focus. They are doing yoga in sports bras and yoga pants. In the top right corner it says “ONLY AT (Target)” in the center it says “SET YOUR DAY TO PAUSE” “POWERED BY C9” and in the bottom left it says “by Champion” with their logo for “C9.” The color scheme is cozy, there is yellow and a brick pattern in the back. The female in front is wearing a pink sports bra which we assume is of the Champion brand.
The techniques used are the following: association, plain folks, the big lie, simple solution, and card stacking. Association and the big lie tie wearing of a Champion product with “SET(ing) YOUR DAY (on) PAUSE” which can be taken as taking a break or relaxing. But one does not need to be wearing a champion product to do so. This also make it the big lie because you really cannot pause your day, and if you take it as relaxing it does not need to be done in champion clothes. The pause quote could also be simple solution because life is hard and stressful, just put it on pause. This is not good because the stresses of everyday life come from work school or other people and the way to handle those things is not to ignore them. Another technique, plain folks, is present in the advertisement because the female is not a celebrity, she has plain skin, a plain expression and she is starring off at something we do not know about. This is bad because it is trying to show that any female can wear this product and relax. Lastly, card stacking is used because we know nothing about the story at all. We don’t know the quality of the product or the price. This makes the consumer have to search for the product in another ad or on a website and they will most likely find other products to buy.
There are a few messages in this ad. First of all, they make women think that if this regular woman can wear this product and relax then they can too. Then they will run out to buy this item so they can feel relaxed. But an article of clothing doesn’t make someone relax. Chemicals released in the brain cause relaxation. Another message in the ad is that everything can be dropped and put on pause when wearing this product. This is bad because all of the bad thing happening in the world won’t be set aside for a sports bra or piece of athletic clothing.
The ad leaves out a few details. Nowhere does it mention quality, price, sizes, or anything of that sort which means a reader, if enticed, would have to dig through a website of other products to find this one. This is a trap by the company to try to sell more. Also, we do not know if this picture is real or staged because it is so focused on the one female.
This ad could offend Christians because the female is wearing minimal clothing. It could also offend regular girls who do not do yoga because it is creating a stereotype that all regular champion wearing girls do yoga. One more group it could offend is people who have something against buying from target because this product is only there, unless that is a lie. If it is a lie, then that would be another issue.
This ad is bad because it’s a trap to buy more products. It’s trying to convince us that life can be put aside with their product and it may be offensive to women who don’t do yoga.

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