Advocacy Letter | Teen Ink

Advocacy Letter

December 18, 2013
By MissySchultz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
MissySchultz SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

To Whom It May Concern:
I have been playing soccer for over 14 years and I have always trusted adidas to be my selected cleat choice. I have never had problems with adidas before and think it is a great quality brand. However, this past soccer season, one of the lace holes broke on my Men's Soccer Predator LZ TRX FG Cleats. I relaced the shoe, ignoring the broken hole and it worked—until I started playing. The cleat had completed ripped down the top. I am asking for a reimbursement of my Men's Soccer Predator LZ TRX FG Cleats. They were a men’s size 7 and blue, yellow, and white in color.
I was very disappointed because I hadn’t even had the shoes for a full year. I got them as a gift for Christmas 2012 and only used them for a high school season and a week into club season. These cleats were the high end ($230.00) version of the Men's Soccer Predator LZ TRX FG Cleats, so I expected them to last me at least the full club season like my adidas cleats usually do. When I went to the Stefan’s soccer store in Brookfield, Wisconsin (where I purchased the cleats), they told me there was nothing they could do about it.
I am coming to you because you are the one who can help me; you can help me to enjoy the game I play with your great brand that I love. I honestly can say with confidence that adidas is the only brand I trust with my soccer cleats.
Thank you so much for your time and considering my request. You may reach me with any further questions at the address above.


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