Why so Early? | Teen Ink

Why so Early?

March 14, 2014
By Anonymous

Why So Early?

Usually my days can be summarized into one word: boring. Going through the motions for seven periods of different classes can make a day pretty forgettable. Who cares about whether or not x=1 or that a clause is different from a phrase? To me the problem about school is that it starts way too early. The only thing I remember about my early class is the back of my eyelids. I strongly believe that if school was pushed back a little bit to start at least an hour or two later it would be the perfect time.

My school starts at 8:45. Why exactly? That’s a question for the ages. What possible benefit can come from starting that early? To me starting early is borderline illogical. When you start that early you end up turning most of the school population into zombies like it’s the Walking Dead. To me, starting later and allowing more people to sleep in and rest their minds would benefit the whole entire school and benefit the school experience for most of the school population.

Starting later also has no negatives to it. Yes you might get out a tad bit later. But is an hour really that much of a difference? That hour would benefit you exponentially if you put it more towards sleep than getting out earlier at school. Starting later would also let people get a little more situated in the morning before going to school. People might actually have the chance to eat breakfast, the most important meal of the day, get ready, and other important things that somebody rushing to get ready earlier in the morning would not be able to do.

School is not anybody favorite place to be. With pushing the start of school back, people will not dread school as much, thus making it a better place to be for them. That in it self will cause people to put more effort into school. Also, pushing the start back will allow for people to be better rested thus causing better learning in pretty much everybody. To me, pushing it back would be the perfect idea for making people’s school life better and more enjoyable.

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