cosmetic surgery | Teen Ink

cosmetic surgery

May 26, 2014
By Nadia Angel BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Nadia Angel BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Cosmetic surgery

What is cosmetic surgery? Cosmetic surgery is an operation you take to fix a problem that you don’t like about yourself. But the real question is should it be banned?

I think it shouldn’t, but it should be restricted in certain cases. Since it’s not just only for people who don’t like the way they look. It’s also used for people who are born with a defect like cleft lip, misshapen skull or absent ear, and if they ban it people who really need it won’t be able to use it.

But why are they trying to ban cosmetic surgery? The main reason is because there are people who claim that doctors have done a bad job by leaving them worse than they were before. Like a case that took on Florida. Two doctors were not licensed to practice medicine and the victim said they left her disfigured.

But some people, who want cosmetic surgery, just go and take the operation without searching what the risks are. Sure doctors make mistakes, however it’s the person’s responsibility to research the risks.

There are websites where they show all the risks that can happen, like infection at the incision site, damage your nerves, hurt blood cloths, danger of being put on anesthesia, and to also be mentally and emotionally prepared because you may not feel happy. Not only that, but in some it also said that there have been cases in which doctors have made mistakes.

I think they should make some rules. Like, they should read all the risks before taking it. They should be older 18 so they know what they are doing. Have a certain number of numbers times they may take it, because if they keep doing this it may cause several problems.

Therefore they should just make rules.

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