One Label Is Not Who You Are | Teen Ink

One Label Is Not Who You Are

February 21, 2015
By Anonymous

How can people tell someone they don’t belong? There are many generic labels like geek, jock, drama queen, etc. But what if you don’t fit into one of these labels?  There are certain people that society accepts as “normal”.  What if you are a straight A student who is the captain of the soccer team?  What if you are gay? Society says they are so accepting but many people aren’t. People are still homophobic, xenophobic, and too many more to list. People are afraid of what they don’t understand.

The place where much of this starts is high school and then it translate into narrow-minded views when they become adults. Everyone is obsessed at what others think and what their label is, but people aren’t that simple. One label can’t define a person. There is so much more to a person then being a geek or a drama queen. Maybe “the geek” is a gifted photographer or maybe “the drama queen” loves to volunteer at humanitarian organizations. I can’t understand why society can expect people to be able to define themselves in one word, one label.  No one, no matter how simple, can be explained by a label, but society still forces us to. When people ask you what you’re like most people give you one word. If you ask me I give you a whole list. Anyone else could too, but no one does.
So the question remains if everyone is that complex why doesn’t society recognize that? Why do people constantly need to define you as one thing? Why is everyone obsessed with what they are defined as? Why can’t people understand how complex others are?
My advice is who cares what others oversimplify you as. You know who you are; you know how complex and wonderful you are. Just be the intricate you and stun society with how amazingly dynamic you are.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Apr. 29 2015 at 6:13 pm
DragonWriter11 GOLD, Johnston, Iowa
18 articles 1 photo 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only person in this world who can write your life story is you. Don't hand the pen over to someone else just because they made one chapter miserable."

:) :) :) thanks!!!

on Apr. 29 2015 at 5:54 pm
Nicole Huffman BRONZE, None, Virginia
2 articles 18 photos 1 comment
I'm soo sorry DragonWriter11! I hope the labels don't get you down too much. I know just believing that they don't matter isn't always enough. Just remember you may be awkward now or the quiet one or whatever you've been labeled as but you will grow out of it if it's awkwardness or expand your horizons if it's "quiet one", but the labelers will never grow out of being who the jerks they are on the inside.

on Feb. 28 2015 at 12:19 pm
DragonWriter11 GOLD, Johnston, Iowa
18 articles 1 photo 35 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The only person in this world who can write your life story is you. Don't hand the pen over to someone else just because they made one chapter miserable."

I totally understand your point of view on this. I have been labeled many times and that really hurt me. I'm trying to tell my friends that labels don't matter and that it's what's on the inside that counts. Thank you for realizing this! You're awesome!!