Inclusion: Kids with Disabilites | Teen Ink

Inclusion: Kids with Disabilites

February 16, 2015
By Anonymous

In the United States of America we have a problem with some of our schools. The problem is not bullying, not the kids eating fatty foods, the problem is not all students are not included.  Should students with disabilities be allowed in regular classrooms?  Some people say no and some people say yes. The people that say no their reason is because they can disrupt the other students or that they should not even be in the normal classroom. The people that say yes say that the kids will learn from the disabled kids and they will make more friends with the kids that aren't disabled. Kids with disabilities SHOULD be able to be in the same classes as kids that aren't disabled. The first reason is they can learn from the other students, the second reason is the kids with disabilities will be able to make more friends, then the last reason is that they will have way better learning abilities then with learning in a little room.


One of the reasons that kids with disabilities should able to attend normal classes is that the kids that aren't disabled will learn from the other kids. The reason this is true is because they really can if the non disabled kids actually pay attention to them they will learn some pretty good learning. According to Many students with learning disabilities benefit from being served in the regular education classroom.Kids with disabilities can learn a lot from the non disabled kids and the non disabled kids can learn from the disabled kids. Here are some of the ways the disabled kids can learn from the non disabled kids. The kids that are disabled can learn to do better things like how to tie a shoe and how to do math and science and all the other subjects in school. Here are some of the ways that the non disabled kids can learn from the disabled kids. The disabled kids can teach them new words or different ways to do different subjects like math or gym.


Here is another reason that kids with disabilities should be able to join the so called normal kids in class. Another reason is that the kids that are disabled can make more friends in a class with kids that are not disabled. The reason that this is a thing is because it truly in my mind and when you at home think about it is is true. According to this is a good source because they have a lot of information on everything that I need but it mostly helped with this reason.
“Benefits of Inclusion for Students With Disabilities
2.Increased social initiations, relationships and networks
3.Peer role models for academic, social and behavior skills”
They can make their friends by being able to do thing like math and science and gym and social studies together and be a huge group of awesomeness. They can also be friends with like everyone in there new class which is probably a large amount of people. In the classroom they have a lot of fun things that go on but if you are in a really small classroom with nothing to do how would you feel so. Then they finally decide to make it so that the kids that are disabled can finally make friends in the classroom and have a lot of fun.


The last reason is that they will have way better learning abilities. Just like in the 1st reason I think they can learn lots from the non disabled kids.  That is what I am saying in this but that the disabled kids would be able to have better learning abilities while in the non disabilities class so then they get taught what normal kids get taught.  They will just                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             start getting better at every subject in school which will really help them in life and make it so they have better lives and do a lot of better things probably even cure cancer we don't know just because of us letting them in to the non disabled class. According to . ?”The 2008 Inclusive Schools Week is focused on this theme: "Together We Learn Better: Inclusive Schools Benefit All Children"”.Kids with disabilities that have been in normal classes then become adults have already done really good things in the world like make things like furniture or electronics and things us humans need for living.


As we can see by all this evidence and the websites and people that tell it we can see that the kids that are disabled should be able to be in classes with normal kids their age and teachers that are hopefully really nice. We can also see that it will be possible for a kid with disabilities to be able to  do unimaginable things like make the first flying car for all we know and maybe even cure cancer like how it said in the paragraph up above because a lot of people believe in them. The people that don't, well they are really mean to the disabled kids. Seriously, you have to believe in them in the normal classroom so that they can learn a lot of new stuff and be able to make new things “so lets let them take the spotlight for once; they really need it”.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 27 2015 at 1:35 pm
Ejbholditdown BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
I say we should include them