Inside the Brain of an Artist | Teen Ink

Inside the Brain of an Artist

January 17, 2016
By Siyah BRONZE, Karachi, Other
Siyah BRONZE, Karachi, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is art? We’re all familiar with the term art, but a lot of us have never understood the vastness in the meaning of this word & moreover all of what art truly is. Art includes music, poetry, play-writing, acting, etc.  When I speak, I speak of my opinions of art and what it has meant to me.  Art is a way of expression, the ultimate way of expression, it’s putting your soul onto the paper & letting your worries flow through the pen. It is a way of expressing ones emotions and feelings, it is that one place where you possess the freedom of expression. Every choice here is yours, what you depict, the message you conveying or maybe the laughs you’re bringing in.

From here on I talk of art with reference to painting. You always have a wide range of choice with the mediums & well then the sky is the limit. Having the necessary requirements to begin with, you are free to draw, to create. You are the captain of your own ship. No matter what is going on in your life, this is the escape. Every choice here is yours. The choice of the canvas, the paint, the choice of colour, everything is in your hands. It’s to some extent a metaphor of control, you possess control which in other words let’s your soul free, it lets your soul breathe.

Not everyone has an eye for art, not everyone appreciates or sees it the way artists do, it’s because the feelings of the person painting the picture is unknown to the common person. Now this all might seem like crazy talk. Only when you look-in to the art with the intention of looking into the soul of the artist is when you would be most captivated by all what you would be able to tell & admire. It is soothing for the soul only when you capture the true essence of this activity.

Lastly, I would recommend people to look at the deeper story behind a painting or a picture. And to anyone who is willing to indulge themselves in the beauty of this activity, I would tell you to just be yourself & let your ideas flow through the brush/pen. The results are sure to leave you as astonished as they once left me.

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