Teen GPS Tracking | Teen Ink

Teen GPS Tracking

May 20, 2016
By Anonymous

How would you feel if you knew your car was being tracked at all times? Well let me tell you, it doesn’t feel too soothing. I have person experience with this. My dad has a GPS tracker on my car. This causes me to feel untrustworthy, invades my privacy, and makes me feel scared. Although I know my dad is just trying to keep me safe.

GPS tracking of teen drivers is an invasion of privacy. Teenagers should have some sort of privacy in their lives. But with you being tracked at all times, it makes it impossible. GPS tracking tracks how fast you go, where you have been and where you are at that exact moment. It also shows what ways you took to get somewhere. That gives you no privacy. My GPS on my car sometimes affects when I go somewhere and if I go. I’m not doing anything bad, I’m just afraid it will look suspicious and get me in trouble. Studies have shown that teens who's parents are constantly on their backs, want to rebel more than teens whose parents give some privacy.

Having a GPS on your child’s car makes them feel untrusted and makes you feel like you can’t trust them. Often times I will tell my father where I am going but he doesn’t quite know if I am telling the truth so he will track my car. This breaks the good relationship we once had and now makes us fight. If my dad tracks my car and sees where I am and calls to ask what I am doing there, I will tell him the truth yet he still doesn’t believe me and ends up grounding me. Trust between a child and their parent is very important in the relationship they build. If your. Parents don't trust you, there will be more arguments and the child might resent and be disrespectful to you. 

Being tracked all the time has people scared. Studies show that if you are being tracked by a GPS or on surveillance then you will act differently even though you aren’t doing anything wrong. People are just scared of showing any type of suspicion. I know I have stayed home at certain times or didn’t go certain places just because I knew it would look suspicious and that my dad wouldn’t believe me if I told him the truth. Having a GPS tracker can break the bond and trust you and your child once had. (Glenn Greenwald; The Intercept).

Overall, parents should be able to trust their children if their child has given no reason as to why they shouldn't. They should also give the privacy they want to their children.

I do acknowledge that parents are just trying to keep their kid safe. I mean, we are there child and they would be heart broken if anything happened to us. But there comes a time when parents have to let their kids make mistakes and trust in them to do the right thing.

The author's comments:

I have a GPS tracker on my car and I do not agree with it. 

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