Teen opinion essays on war, peace, politics, justice and more | Teen Ink


Top voted Points of View

#18891voted by our readers
By invasion-of-the-asians BRONZE
Greenville, South Carolina

Teenage dating gives you a chance to learn about your emotions and what you like in a guy/girl. It’s not stupid. It’s just a time of experimentation. what is stupid though, is thos...
invasion-of-the-asians BRONZE, Greenville, South Carolina
4 articles 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
keep on keeping on

#18892 Opinion
By Marisa17 BRONZE
Glasgow, Kentucky
Marisa17 BRONZE, Glasgow, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
#18894 Opinion
By Kenzie Quinn BRONZE
Grandville, Michigan
Kenzie Quinn BRONZE, Grandville, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 1 comment
#18895 Opinion
By queen_6502 GOLD
Springfield, Massachusetts
queen_6502 GOLD, Springfield, Massachusetts
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"When life hands you lemons, make orange juice and leave the world wondering how you did it"

#18896 Opinion
By xximjustmexx PLATINUM
Oak Forest, Illinois
xximjustmexx PLATINUM, Oak Forest, Illinois
46 articles 0 photos 71 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's no god. There's no religion. There's only life, what you do with YOUR life, who YOU let affect YOUR life. Bad things happen to everyone, you just have to learn to deal with them.

#18898 Opinion
By Anonymous
#18899 Opinion
lablover56 BRONZE, Centennial, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#18900 Opinion
By username123 SILVER
Hartland, Wisconsin
username123 SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments