We Need Change | Teen Ink

We Need Change

July 1, 2018
By Eliciaaa PLATINUM, Chesnee, South Carolina
Eliciaaa PLATINUM, Chesnee, South Carolina
21 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Surround yourself with people that challenge how you think/
Not people that nod their head and act like they agree." - N.F

Some people say death is supposed to be a relief not a fear, some tears but remembrance that they’re in a better place. They say you shouldn’t fear death, that he knows when your time is, to live every day like your last but now a days that’s the biggest tragedy in the world.

So many innocent lives being taken with no reasoning behind. From a famous and young rapper to a little girl on the sidewalk with her mother. What’s happening to the world. They scream war is coming but in reality the only war is between others, arguments turning into shootouts, false accusing turning into stabbings, racial judgement turning into removals physically. So many young faces leaving this earth before they can get the full experience but sometimes you have to wonder is that a pro, that way they don’t have to live in this cruel and vindictive world. Guns shouldn’t be a problem, student’s shouldn’t fear going to school with worry of if they will be going home the same day alive. Relatives shouldn’t fear that their child will be killed over something so small. We shouldn’t fear one day physically having to find our way to help because everyone else wants to record and be known as a standby to the scene. Put the camera and phones down, is this part of the reason the young children or newborns will never experience Toys R Us. That’s what everything goes back to” “What was it” and who caught it on camera. Things need to change in this world. There’s so much that can be changed, so many incidents and deaths that could have been prevented but for that to happen the world needs to mentally change first.

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