A Letter to My Generation | Teen Ink

A Letter to My Generation

October 16, 2013
By PrestonRoss GOLD, Berthoud, Colorado
PrestonRoss GOLD, Berthoud, Colorado
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Hope is the rise of rebellion and the downfall of nations.

"Every generation needs a new revolution."

-Thomas Jefferson

I believe it is almost time for our revolution to begin. While every day our government wastes time fighting over ideas like children over their toys, we grow angrier, impatient, and we feel oppressed by their ignorance. We must rise up as those who came before us did for what they believed in. Soon it will be our turn to right our parents' wrongs. It will be time to fix our broken nation. We are coming to a new era where the world will come one step closer to perfection. Fate is going to call upon us to root out the darkness of bureaucracy and the evils of corruption. Our so called leaders believe they are the keepers of a city upon a hill, but they have dragged our existence into the valley below. It is going to be our duty to rebuild our country on the mountain top. Remember who you are, because soon our world will need you to know that who you are is a stronger generation than those before us. Now is our time to prepare for the war to come, whether it will be a war of weapons or of words.

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