Health is Your OWN Choice | Teen Ink

Health is Your OWN Choice

December 16, 2013
By Charlie Reuteman BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Charlie Reuteman BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The government isn’t doing their job if they are worrying about what people eat. The American people have freedom of choice to do and eat whatever they wish. If someone wants to be fat, then let them be fat. If people can choose to eat healthy, why can’t people choose to eat unhealthy?

In “Myths, Lies, and Complete Stupidity”, Stossel states that instead of banning everything, we as US citizens should have options dealing with what food we should eat. And I agree. If we let the government control what we eat, we will just be back in the 1700's when they put taxes on things like coffee, chocolate, and sugar. So they would only be worsening America because that is only going to encourage us to junk food. The government does not simply have the right to tell people what they may or may not consume in their diets. Even if this problem has good intentions, it makes this still wrong to do with our basic rights.

When it comes to school, I feel the government should be able to choose much healthier foods to be put in lunchrooms. Lots of people get one free lunch everyday and since they don’t pay for their meal, the government should have the right to make those kids eat healthy. On the other hand though, in fast food restaurants, I don’t believe the government should have the right to cut back on unhealthy food. If fast food places are known to be bad for you, but people still come because the food tastes good. And the government shouldn’t be able to take away what makes their company successful. The only way fast food places should change is if the actual fast food company wants to go healthier, not if the government wants them to become healthier.

In America, food is more than just food. We are known for our juicy burgers, american salty french fries, big soda cups, and deep-fried everything. . If it ever ended up actually happening, small businesses known for their unhealthy deep fried food would go out of business and our very own Wisconsin State Fair wouldn’t know what food to make if we had to go healthy. That shows, by having the government try and keep the people healthy, it would be doing more than just that. It would be taking the fun out of activities families do every day, week, or year.

If people can choose to eat healthy, then the people of America should have the right to eat unhealthy. There is a difference in people abusing the unhealthy food that we could eat, instead of eating the unhealthy food for dessert or the amazing taste. If our country is known as the “Land of the Free”, we as a country are not living up to the hype and the government would be changing our identity by making restaurants and the people try to go healthy.

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