Should Illegal Immigration be allowed? | Teen Ink

Should Illegal Immigration be allowed?

May 26, 2014
By Alton Huff Jr. BRONZE, Austin, Texas
Alton Huff Jr. BRONZE, Austin, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Should Illegal Immigration be allowed?

“Illegal immigrants shouldn’t be here! They should go back to their countries!” Sadly, these are the words of many Americans. As illegal immigration increases, so do immigration laws. Honestly, I don’t care if illegal immigrants come to America. Here are three reasons why: they’re fighting for their availability into America, H.R. 4437 never ran through senate, they’re not hurting America.

Reason number 1, immigrants are fighting for their availability into America. In the year of 2006, many immigrants around the U.S. did a 3 month march. Every day, immigrants would wake up and march down to a senate’s office, then protest with many signs. Most of the signs stated why they should be in America. And most immigrants come to get a green card, but they got kicked out.

Reason number 2, immigrants want a run for H.R. 4437 before being told they need to leave. H.R. 4437 was a law that increased border patrol and anti-terrorism. Anyways, it never went through senate. So with that being said, how can government say that they need to leave? The government enforces more laws on immigrants, than they do the border patrolmen. It’s not the immigrants’ fault for coming to America, and the border patrol is sleazing on their job and kicking them out, rather than telling them what they can do to live in America.

And for the 3rd and final reason, immigrants aren’t hurting America. Once you think of it, we’re actually hurting them. These are people from different countries trying to make a better life for themselves. We can’t be, “America, Land of the Free,” if we’re kicking them out. Some of the immigrants are natural entrepreneurs and businessmen who had dreams since they were a kid. Their first move is to come to America to get a step closer to completing their dream. If we kick them out, then we crushed the dream of something that could’ve been great.

For the reasons being, I think illegal immigration should be allowed. If you think there shouldn’t be immigration, then I’m not mad at because that’s your opinion. But that doesn’t mean you have to say that all immigrants aren’t allowed. I’ve personally had the opportunity to meet an immigrant, and he came to finish his education and to support his family. So next time you think if immigrants are allowed or not, think about why they’re here first.

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