Differences Unite | Teen Ink

Differences Unite

January 22, 2016
By stephanierojas BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
stephanierojas BRONZE, Portland, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

“Preservation of one’s culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.” -Cesar Chavez.
English people wiped out Native Americans out of their lands. Slaves were forced to migrate to America just so that white men could have them sold and having them die of working so hard. After that, people from Latin America, Asia, Europe, etc., started immigrating to America to find better jobs and find a better life for their families. Most Americans don’t accept the fact that America wasn’t their land to start with. Being a Mexican American teenager with Mexican parents who’s learning about America’s past history makes me wonder why most Americans hate Mexican immigrants, and why they give us such a hard time. Even though people think Mexicans are a major problem and aren’t necessary in the U.S., we are in fact necessary and aren’t that much of a problem, because our vote is important for the elections, Mexicans are the ones who are constructing buildings and are doing farm work, and Americans don’t necessarily “own” this land .

The reason why Mexicans and other Latinos are important is because Republicans and Democrats rely on our vote. There’s a lot of Latino voters out there voting for the next president, and since both of the political parties are trying their best to get the hispanic vote, they better let hispanic voters know that they’re doing the immigration reform. “If the political parties don’t pay attention to the Hispanic population, or don’t pay attention to the Latino voters, it’ll be political suicide” (Ramos). It’s important that these running candidates keep this in mind because then they’ll lose all of the Latinos votes.

  In almost every construction company, there's a lot of Latino men working there. A lot of immigrant families are working out in the fields because they can't get a job for being undocumented. They only get accepted because they’re working in jobs that Americans don’t want to work in. Now, “74% of people think that there are ample numbers of Americans to occupy the jobs currently held by illegal immigrants if workers are treated well, and are paid higher wages” (Federation). Which to be honest is a little weird, because I saw online that it said Americans aren't taking these jobs because it's “too risky”. All you see is all these immigrant workers working in places that could get them killed, working for minimum wage, suffering, and getting treated badly.  Americans should honestly just make their minds up already about these "risky” jobs.

History.com states, “Christopher Columbus did not “discover” the Americas, nor was he even the first European to visit the “New World.” This proves that America was first populated by the Native Americans. Columbus wanted to be the first one to get to Asia and get all the spices, pearls, precious stones, gold, silver, and other merchandise that he promised to certain people. He believed that if he traveled west, he would get there faster. Except he ended up landing on America. Americans today say that Columbus “discovered” this land, which makes it their land. This land belonged to the people who lived here before Columbus “discovered” it.  This concludes that every single one us living here in an immigrant.

Non-immigrant people believe that immigrant people are a major problem in the U.S. They say Mexicans and other “foreign workers are to blame for declining labor-force participation, unemployment, and stagnating wages among the native-born population” (Chavez). They  migrate to the United States to find a better opportunity, they fled their country's economic problems, find better jobs, and a better life. From my experience, these people dedicate themselves to the jobs they have so they can help provide for their family. American people like Donald Trump for example absolutely hate Mexican immigrants. In his presidency speeches, he’s been talking about how if he wins the election, he’s going to kick out all immigrants. Beginning with Mexican Immigrants. Trump needs to rethink things true because like I said before, we’re all immigrants living on this land. If he plans on kicking anybody out, he should kick everybody out, including himself, and leave this land to the people to whom it belonged to.

In conclusion, we might be a problem sometimes, but the running candidates rely on our vote. We make this nation the way it is, and this land doesn’t necessarily “belong” to any of us. I believe that Americans shouldn’t worry so much about the immigration status. I believe that we can all work this out and find a way to not hate each other. For example, we all have different experiences, and we can all help each other out. We shouldn’t let our identity or background get in the way of getting to understand our distinct cultural traits and backgrounds.

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