Why I Would Vote for Hillary Clinton | Teen Ink

Why I Would Vote for Hillary Clinton

April 1, 2016
By TyCollins BRONZE, NLR, Arkansas
TyCollins BRONZE, NLR, Arkansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I know in my heart that mans is good. That what is write will eventually triumph and that there is purpose to each and every life

I’d vote for who?!?

Why I would vote for Hillary Clinton over the eventual Republican nominee


Yes, It’s True
As I have stated once before, this upcoming Presidential Election is the most pivotal in Modern History. So many things hang in the balance and we are at a tipping point in this nation's future. We can go one way or we can go the other. If I could vote in this upcoming election I would vote for Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic nominee over the eventual Republican Nominee (Likely to be Ted Cruz or Donald Trump). A decision like this would likely shock my vastly Republican Family and they would bring things up like the Benghazi Scandal or the Email Scandal and while yes, those can not be ignored they are but tiny blimps and her list of accomplishment vastly outweigh these two events. I would like to take the time and explain to you why I would vote for Hillary Clinton over the eventual and likely Republican Nominee.

Out of the likely Republican Nominee Hillary Clinton has the most experience. Whether you think so or not, the office of First Lady, of a State or the United States, is a political office and is an office the Madam Clinton has occupied several times. First when she was First Lady of my Home State of Arkansas, but first we need to look at her career as the first female partner at the Rose Law Firm. She made it to this rank while her Husband and eventual President, Bill Clinton was Attorney General of Arkansas. She first served as First Lady of Arkansas in 1979 when Bill was elected Governor of Arkansas. When Bill CLinton was re-elected as governor in 1983 Madam Clinton chaired the Rural Health advisory committee in attempt to extend medical aid to those who lived in rural counties. She also served as the chair of the Arkansas Educational Standards Committee and achieved Public School reform.  In the year 1992 Madam Clinton served as the First Lady of the United States when her husband was elected President. An office that she served in until 2000. As First Lady of the United States Madam Clinton served as the driving force behind the National Health Care task force. A position placed upon her by her Husband Bill. She also helped to create the Department of Justice’s Office of VIolence Against Women in 1994. When Bill Clinton's term as President was up Madam Clinton became the first First Lady to run for a national office. She was the first female Senator from the State of New York. She won by a huge margin. She served as senator from 2001 to 2009. In the Year 2009 Madam Clinton took up the office of Secretary of State in the Obama Administration until she resigned in 2013 to be replaced by former Senator and Democratic Presidential Nominee John Kerry. She was the First Former First Lady to serve in a presidential cabinet.

No matter what anyone may say this is a very impressive resume. When we compare this to that of the likely Republican Nominee the record will speak for itself. The record and resume is far greater than those of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

On the Issues
On certain hot button issue that are most important to me Madam Clinton is the best choice for me, at least compared to the runners for the GOP Nomination. Hillary Clinton supports LGBT rights which is obviously a big deal for me. She will create a clean source of energy in the United States that will produce thousands of jobs for the American People. She clearly has experience with Foreign Leaders as Secretary of State and that is something that a President needs to know how to handle. She will give working families a raise, and tax relief that helps them manage rising costs. That is something that we can all rally behind

The Nightmare
This dream is going to sound so foolish and stupid but it really did scare me and I could see Mr. Trump doing something like this. In my dream I attended a Trump Rally with my Aunt and Uncle. Mr. Trump started talking about gay people and how they are the death of America. My Aunt stood up and screamed, “My nephew right here is gay, everybody get him” Mr.Trump said, you heard the lady, get him. So they did and I was beat to the point of near death. Later on that year, Trump was elected President and one of the first thing he did was round up all of the gays, blacks, and Muslims and sent us to camps like Hitler did to the Jews. I woke up as soon as the incinerator reach its peak temperature. It was one of the worst dreams I had ever had. I woke up at 4:30 that morning and could not go back to sleep. How in the world could we even dream of electing someone that would give a kid a dream like that to the highest office of the land. I would vote for Hillary Clinton to prevent a man like that from winning.

So Yeah, It's True
So yeah, I guess it is true, I would vote for Hillary Clinton over the eventual republican nominee. I would do so to ensure a safer America. To make sure that my civil rights are upheld and those of millions are. To make America Great once more I would for Hillary Clinton.

The author's comments:

Once again, sorry if your Opions differ from mine

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This article has 1 comment.

on Apr. 1 2016 at 11:24 pm
Caesar123 DIAMOND, Union Grove, Wisconsin
50 articles 7 photos 103 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Madness in great ones must not unwatched go" --Claudius in William Shakespeare's Hamlet

First off, you have some serious issues with capitalization that need to be fixed even before your points can be addressed. As to the actual “meat” of your article, I would say this: Benghazi and the email scandal are no “blips”. Hillary Clinton refused to send aid to support our embassy and our ambassador, and when Ambassador Stevens became the first dignitary to die on the job in decades Clinton blamed the attack on spontaneous protests. Likewise, Clinton kept top secret information on her personal server in Chappaqua, unguarded for anyone to access (and if you doubt that the Russians/Chinese/ISIS did, then you’re kidding yourself). And that’s not even to mention the Whitewater scandal, the Lewinsky scandal, or any other scandal she and her husband have ever been wrapped up in! Clinton is arrogant, cold, and impersonal. She does what she wants, and she doesn’t care what the law or the people say. Her healthcare plan from Bill’s administration was a disaster and rightly killed by Gingrich and the Republicans. And being elected a senator in left-wing New York as a liberal is hardly a noteworthy accomplishment (newsflash, Ted Cruz did the same thing in Texas!). I empathize with the anti-gay sentiments you duly note in the GOP, but simply electing a felon because they “support LGBT rights” is the very definition of cutting off your nose to spite your face.