Gun Violence | Teen Ink

Gun Violence

May 4, 2016
By Q.Tee BRONZE, Detroit , Michigan
Q.Tee BRONZE, Detroit , Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Can you imagine getting a call and its saying your brother got killed over gun violence ? Well i can because it happened to me my brother was with his friends or he thought.He was suppose to been on his way back because my other died that morning and before he made it back they shot him in his back 5 times and one went through his chest and instantly killed him.

Who is responsible for gun violence like that? It isn’t the guns. People are responsible for the murders they commit. However, guns allow too many people to have guns. If there were fewer guns, we would be safer.

If less people had guns it will be less murders in our country .If they don't have a lot of guns it won't allow it to be as easy to get a gun and kill someone when you feel like it or have personal problems with them.Less people like cops and responsible people had guns it will be fewer crimes.

  Less guns means children won't be shooting themselves  or each other.Kids wouldn't  be able to play with guns if the parents did not leave them just anywhere where they can find them and harm themselves.If more caring people had  them they will put it up and take in consideration that kids can and will and play with not knowing they can kill themselves. “Those people that die from accidental shooting were more than three times as likely to have had a firearm in their home as those in the control group.Among children, the majority of unintentional shooting deaths occur in the home. Most of these deaths occur when children are playing with a loaded gun in their parent’s absence’’ (Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, 2).

People can sell legal guns to people that shouldn't have them.If i have a gun and its legal and my brother come to me and ask to see it and i give it to him he can go kill someone with it and the trace the gun back to me i can say i was protecting myself and they can believe me because i have a legal gun . My brother can be a serial killer and i let him get my gun and i can keep covering up for him knowing he is doing the killing but i don't want to get my brother in trouble.  “The police chief also said that Zimmerman had a right to defend himself with lethal force’’ (Lee, 1)

People can kill people in other ways not just guns so I think guns are not the problem people are .’’It found an extremely strong direct relationship between the number of firearms and firearm deaths. The current study debunks the widely quoted hypothesis that guns make a nation safer’’(Hughes, 3).No,I think guns are the problem people use more guns to kill more than anything. If we can control the gun violence more innocence kids/people will be alive . They should be more safer about people and guns .

The people need to be more careful about what they do with guns .People should care about other people's lives and their family before the pull the trigger on the gun .After reading this i think the should be more careful on who they give guns to . Do not go out and buy a gun because you think is cool think about other people's safety .

Aames, Andrew B. Trayvon Martin: The Whole Story. Print.
Barthe, Joseph De, and Frank Grouard. The Life and Adventures of Frank Grouard, Chief of Scouts, U.S.A. St. Joseph, MO: Combe Printing, 1894. Print.

BOURJAILY, PHIL. Total Gun Manual (field & Stream): 271 Skills from Field & Streams 
Gun Nuts. Place of Publication Not Identified: Simon & Schuster, 2012. Print.

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