Who's Responsible ? | Teen Ink

Who's Responsible ?

May 4, 2016
By Anonymous

“From 2005-2015 , 17 Americans were killed in terrorist attacks and US soil. 301,797 were killed by gun violence during the same period” (Mascia,1).

The US citizens are responsible for gun violence.

The Government need to make it harder to get a weapon so most people wouldn't have a gun.A 2yr old in California , found a gun in the car and shot his grandmother.Maybe if his guardian would have hid the gun better he wouldn't have killed his grandmother. “13 toddlers killed themselves , 18 injured themselves and 2 actually killed someone” (Ingrahm,1). There should be a child age range. If your child is a certain age you shouldn't be allowed to get a gun .

“About 12% of students attend a school where another student have been killed by gun violence. Adam Lanza, The guy who shot at Sandy Hook Elementary School , killed 20 children and 6 staff members”(Cherney,1). The school need to do something to prevent gun violence in the area to make it safer for kids.That's not just the only school shooting. Lavardo Fisher was a young boy in the 8th grade. One day at recess a 18 yr old boy on school campus was riding a hoverboard.He loses balance and fall causing the gun in his pocket to go off and accidentally shoot Lavardo. Security is also a way to stop . Each school should have everyone get a security check before allowing to be on campus.

People kill people not guns. If they have a Gun license they feel they have the right to do anything with they gun . “They believe it is easier to kill , which it’s not. 873 people were killed by people who have a gun license. 17 officers was killed by people who have gun license”(.

Others think the Government is responsible for gun violence. They are wrong because although they should have a background check to get a gun . Once they get it , they sell it to people on the street. People kill people not guns.
The US citizens are responsible for gun violence and we as a country need to help reduce gun violence.



"15 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence This Year." The Trace 15 Statistics That Tell the Story of Gun Violence This Year Comments. 2015. Web. 04 May 2016
"People Are Getting Shot by Toddlers on a Weekly Basis This Year." Washington Post. The Washington Post. Web. 04 May 2016
"Teens and Guns." TeenZeen. Web. 04 May 2016.
Front of Package Fail: Labels Tout Healthier Foods for Kids, 84% Studied Flunk Nutrition Standards." Prevention Institute. Web. 04 May 2016.
"13-year-old Ocoee Boy Dies after Accidental Shooting Linked to Hoverboard."OrlandoSentinel. Web. 04 May 2016

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