More Guns Doesn't Make It Safer | Teen Ink

More Guns Doesn't Make It Safer

May 5, 2016
By Coach.Marr BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
Coach.Marr BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Guns can be used for weapons of self-defense. If someone comes in contact with a armed attacker a gun provides the ability to protect yourself from a distance. However, guns are used in very violent ways no matter if its by a good guy or a bad guy. Guns are used daily in mass shootings, accidents, and police brutality. “...a gun does more harm than good” (Tindula,1).

Having more guns in America does not make it safer. More guns would very likely lead to more violence. “U.S has the highest gun ownership rate and also has the highest rate of firearm related deaths” (Bangalore,1). If more guns was put in America the number of firearm related would increase.

Most people that have firearms have these weapons put in a place that is unlocked and a child could access. “A 2000 study on firearm storage patterns found that in homes with children and firearms 55 percent had one or more firearms stored in a unlocked place”(Tindula,1). Giving people access to these dangerous weapons puts more kids in danger.The lack of concern for firearms being in a locked up place will become a huge problem and lead to even bigger consequences.

“Guns intended for protection can have just as unfair and tragic consequences as those that aren’t” (Tindula,1). Even in the right hands things can go wrong in a situation with a firearm. For example, three men were killed after being stopped in traffic by a police officer. The three men were unarmed and the police officer’s firearm was responsible for the situation being intensified to the point of an innocent person  being killed. Many acts of violence are done by police officers almost everyday. But because of the authority they have these acts are not seen as violence or something wrong.

“The U.S had nearly doubled the number of mass shootings than all other countries combined” (Lemieux,1). The U.S also have a high gun ownership rate. The higher the gun ownership rate the more mass shootings are likely to happen. This makes it bad on us and adding more guns will make the U.S a more dangerous place.

Many people say the easiest way to stop a person that have a firearm is with a firearm. So people created the image that there should be more guns to keep people safe.Women and handicap found these most useful to them incase of a robbery or something.

Even though this may be true and understanding but giving more people a gun will cause more violence. There is nothing we can do about gun violence and there is a bunch of evidence to support this simple fact. The the system is it doesn’t keep guns out of the hands of bad guys, the don’t make homes safer, and in many cases they can turn situations that are harmless into something deadly. “We as Americans need to turn the conversation inward and seriously weigh the consequences of our second amendment rights against the greater good. Otherwise we are willingly putting ourselves and our loved ones at risk” (Tindula,1).

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