Pro Hilary | Teen Ink

Pro Hilary

November 2, 2016
By zalmaroa BRONZE, Woodland, California
zalmaroa BRONZE, Woodland, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The election day has come, you wake up and you feel worried for your future. Are you nervous? Are you ready for your for a better change or are you going to let Trump get in the way? Many articles talk about the good and bad about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. In Bill Clinton’s speech to the DNC he talks about the accomplishments Hillary Clinton has made and continues to make. In his speech he shows why Hillary is the best candidate and it gives various examples on why you should vote for her. For example, she made changes in education. Hilary “Came up with really ambitious recommendations [she said] that we be the first state in America to require elementary counselors in every school because so many kids were having trouble at home and they need it” (CNN). In the other hand her opposing candidate Trump says  “I’m going to look into colleges we're going to do something regard to really smart financing” (Tessa Berenson). Trump has a good idea, but he is not taking action like Hillary. To add on she made changes in Health Care. She “...Started the first legal aid services to poor people who couldn’t pay for them” (CNN). Trump talks about “Obamacare. We’re going to repel it, we're going to replace it, get something great” (Jeff Paul). He has not given alternatives to how he will make it great and once again hillary is doing something. In the aspect of immigration Trump believes immigrants are “...bringing drugs, they’re bringing crime, they’re rapists”(Tom Roussey). Cleary he has not thought what would be out of America if immigrants weren’t here and he is just making his own conclusions. However Hillary says “First, we rely on partners in Muslim countries to fight terrorists. (The immigration ban) would make it harder” (Noah Brode,MAtt Nemeth and Megan Harris). We see how Trump’s and  Hillary’s views and opinions are different in each topic. Inclusively, we see who is taking action and not just elaborating that they are going to do something. We see that although Hillary Clinton is a woman she is strong in every aspect and is willing to make great changes for our country, so don’t think of it twice and vote Hillary as the next president!

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