Guns in America | Teen Ink

Guns in America

December 22, 2016
By Ben_Witt BRONZE, South Orange, New Jersey
Ben_Witt BRONZE, South Orange, New Jersey
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The Second Amendment states that ““A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Everyone knows how perilous guns can be. Unfortunately, people can get their hands on one very easily. According to EveryTown Research, seven kids under ninteen are killed with guns every day. That is around 2,555 kids that are killed every year by guns. This should not be the case. That is just in kids under ninteen. The amount of total people who are injured or killed each year is unjust because many people get injured due to something that could effortlessly be avoided. It should be harder to get guns because they lead to school shootings, thousands of people are injured or killed each year, and even kids are getting their hands on them.

Expressively, people should not be able to get guns so easily because they lead to school shootings. There have been “there have been 142 school shootings in America since 2013, according to a new study by Everytown for Gun Safety”(Everytown Research). This is 142 school shootings too many. Kids in school should never have to face a gun when all they did was go to school to get an education. In addition, there was 1 “shooting per week, on average, on a school or college campus in 2015.” There is one shooting per week on school grounds. That's at least 365 shootings a year. Let's say 20 people are injured or killed every year. That is a minimum of 7,300 people getting injured or killed just trying to go to school. The way to obtain a gun in the United States is so flawed that people who will commit shootings can obtain guns. It is not right that people can get guns this easily, and it needs to be fixed.

As well as the easiness of acquiring a gun being a big cause of school shootings, many people are also killed or severely injured by them every year. According to Brady Campaign, on an average day 306 Americans are killed with guns. This means that around 111,690 people are shot by a gun every year. People abuse the law by getting guns, and then using them to injure other people, often for no good reason. If this wasn’t enough, in 2015 “There were 372 mass shootings in the US” (British Broadcasting Corporation). This includes shootings at places such as malls and parks. It is abominable that people use something that is meant (but really shouldn’t be) just used for self defense to kill and hurt people just because they are angry. The gun laws need to be fixed and soon before there are more shootings in the United States.

To emphasize, as if adults killing people with guns wasn’t enough, kids can get their hands on them also. “17” kids under the age of fifteen are able to get their hands on guns and try or actually commit mass school shootings. Somehow, due to the lack of parenting by parents and the easiness of adults obtaining guns has lead to even kids, yes kids, being able to commit very bad killings. In addition to this, “68”% of school shooters who “got their guns from relatives or at home.” This includes kids and also adults. This means that parents/ guardians are so irresponsible that they let other people get their gun, which should be very locked up, and bring it and use it to harm or kill people. They use their power to obtain a gun for ‘self protection’ then instead of locking it up like any level-headed person would do, they decide to leave it laying around. This leads to shootings where many innocent people die. It is just short sighted and could easily be avoided if people didn’t use the Second Amendment as a way to have a firearm.

Ultimately, people use the Second Amendment to abuse their power and get guns, to wistfully, kill people. They lead a crazy amount of deaths every year, school shootings, and even kids are getting guns from their homes. This is not justified. The second amendment needs to be amended to fix the issue of people abusing it and leading to innocent lives being lost due to crooked people who kill other people.



"Gun Violence by the Numbers." EverytownResearch. Every Town, 19 Oct. 2016. Web. 21
Dec. 2016.

Mosendz, Polly. "Map: Every School Shooting in America Since 2013."    Newsweek.
Newsweek, 23 Apr. 2016. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

Pearle, Lauren. "School Shootings Since Columbine: By the Numbers." ABC News. ABC News
Network, 12 Feb. 2016. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

"Constitute." Constitute. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

"Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence." Key Gun Violence Statistics | Brady Campaign to
Prevent Gun Violence

News, BBC. "Guns in the US: The Statistics behind the Violence." BBC News. BBC News, 05
Jan. 2016. Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

"Thesaurus - The World's Favorite Online Thesaurus!" Thesaurus. Dictionary, n.d.
Web. 21 Dec. 2016.

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