Drones | Teen Ink


January 16, 2017
By emm22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
emm22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Drones are not the friendly, efficient-working machines that they seem.  A lot of people think they boost the technology department and do good things but others think they are doing more harm than good.  Some people may say that they are helping people in efficiency, and are helping people elevate our technology but other people think they are doing bad things.  Some of the bad things are, they cause to many incidents, they are not advanced enough yet, and they still are worth less than they sell for. 

Drones cause incidents of many kinds.  “A report released in December identified 327 “close encounters” between drones and manned aircraft over a 21-month period that ended last September.”  Page two of Here’s how your new toy drone could upset the aviation world.  People may think that drones can keep a watchful eye out for danger, but have they ever thought that they could make flying more dangerous by aggravating pilots because there are more obstacles up there?  Even if people have considered it and then dismissed it, does not mean that it does not happen.  A prime example of this is, “It then climbed more than 700 feet — right into the path of a California Highway Patrol helicopter.  A head-on collision was avoided only after the helicopter’s crew made a sharp turn at the last moment.”  Page One of Here’s how your new toy drone could upset the aviation world.  This shows that these type of incidents do happen and are happening often.  Another example of an incident is, “‘We can't see them,’ says Andrew Moore of the National Agricultural Aviation Association.  Moore's group wants unmanned vehicles to include tracking systems or lights to help airplanes figure out where they are."  Page Two of For many farmers, use of unmanned flying vehicles is taking off.  This shows that since these things can not be seen, incidents will happen.

Companies and people say positive things about the drones and what they will be but what matters is now and not five years into the future still.  People have started saying things about how the drones are not advanced enough yet.  Even though drones could potentially be helpful, they still are not developed enough.  “... usually lack the navigation and communications systems and design quality needed to ensure safe flying.”  Page One of Here’s how your new toy drone could upset the aviation world.  This shows that a lot of detail is missing from the drones so far.  As things have happened in the past, technology gets more and more advanced as the years go on.  “Now the data appears on your iPad or hand-held device a few minutes after flight.”  Page two of For many farmers, use of unmanned flying vehicles is taking off.  As life continues technology gets better, this is a great example, although they are still not making the cut.  Many things are still being damaged and people are being secretive about using them.  It may be true that drones are getting more advanced it terms of control but lots of people also use drones to video things.  “‘... but the resolution was not perfect,’ said Presler Jean.”   Page one of Above the Fray: In storm-ravaged Haiti, droned help aid to get where needed.  This shows that detail on the drones is not perfect.  It may be better than satellite but still needs work.

The other side does have their reasons.  Drones can be helpful at the moment, and do make work more efficient.  As lots of articles have said, they help a ton.  “No detail escapes the eye of the drone. It can capture images of homes reduced to matchsticks, buildings with blown-off fronts, and even rooftops that are missing just two or three shingles.”  Page one of Above the fray: In storm-ravaged Haiti, drones help aid get to where needed.  Yes, they do have their detail and they also have their efficiently.  One thing on top of this is that they have something, which is cost.   “Drones are faster and much cheaper to operate than helicopters.”  Page two of Above the fray: In storm-ravaged Haiti, drones help aid get to where needed.  This shows drones do help in the world of money.  Adapting to it is of paramount, meaning it is one of the most important things.  People have started to engage in making drones part of the world.  “For years, farmers couldn't take advantage of drones because the government had not established guidelines for how to use them.  But now drones are finally starting to take off on farms.  Since January, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has given more than 50 projects permission to explore agricultural uses for unmanned aerial vehicles.”  Page two of For many farmers, use of unmanned flying vehicles is taking off. This shows that drones do help our world.

They may be cheaper than another way of doing things but readers, writers, farmers, and people need to start asking, are they worth what they are sold for?  A lot of people looking to use drones do not want to buy one for themselves.  Mainly because it costs a lot of money.  For what they look like, they are not worth the time, the price, the secretiveness and the risk of danger.  A great example for secretiveness is the FBI themselves.  Since the FBI helps our world they would have had to look at drones too.  “National Security Agency surveillance program ‘has been a contributing factor, one dot among many dots’ for tracking terrorist plots, and he admitted for the first time that the bureau had used surveillance drones inside the U.S.”  Page two of For many farmers, use of unmanned flying vehicles is taking off. This shows that people are being secretive about drones.  Other than secretiveness, there is the cost issue.  The local people are not the only ones complaining, there are farmers as well.  “Bobby Hutchison is interested in using drones on his farm, but he doesn't want to buy one himself."  Page one of For many farmers, use of unmanned flying vehicles is taking off.  This shows that price can also be an issue.  Drones have good things about them like what they could do, and helping security but the truth is they are doing more harm than they are doing good.  It is an issue that needs to be recognized. 

Some people may think drones do amazing things and can do better things, however, drones are not the hardworking, friendly machines they may seem to be.  People are completely available to incidents that could pop up at anytime simply because they are not advanced enough yet and people do not know what drones are worth.  Just because people think they are friendly does not mean that they are.  People should learn to know what is happening and actively engage to help make drones appropriate in the environment as well as stop people from making the same mistakes.

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