The Problem with Our Minimum Wage | Teen Ink

The Problem with Our Minimum Wage

January 16, 2017
By esp22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
esp22 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the past the minimum wage has been raised many times. So now it is time to raise it again. Sure it might drop some jobs but the amount of people who will be lifted out of poverty is greater. Raising the minimum wage will also take a considerable burden off the poor, save homeless children, and it will also help a lot of families. So it is time to raise the minimum wage.

The first reason why the government should raise the minimum wage is that it would save a lot of people from homelessness. Like children who are abandoned by their families because they did not have enough money. The article child homelessness at record high report says “call to action” for states.

quoted an expert saying  “Child homelessness has reached epidemic proportions”

Furthermore raising the minimum wage would help a lot of families with financial problems. Even though they are in the prime of their work life they still only earn about $10 an hour. Which is not enough to support a 2-3 kid family which is shown in this quote “More than 8.4 million people earning less than $10 an hour today are between ages 25 and 54. About 62 percent of these workers are women, many with children.” with minimum wage rising is America ready for $15 an hour working world?

The final reason why the government should raise the minimum wage is that if there would be a financial crisis in america it would not put as much of a burden on the poor. Right now if there would be a financial crisis it would put a huge burden on the poor. Which is shown in this quote “the report also said that while that recent financial crisis was an enormous burden on the world's poor” worlds 85 richest have wealth equal half the world population.

It is true that the raising of the minimum wage will close off low paying jobs but that’s like closing a 3 star restaurant and opening a 5 star one. So when businesses close off low paying jobs it can open up better more high paying jobs so people who have a decent education can take them. “Adopting a $10.10 minimum wage would lift 900,000 people out of poverty while eliminating 500,000 low paying jobs” Issue overview: minimum wages.

In conclusion the raising of the minimum wage is a big deal. But if Ii happens it will lift many American citizens from poverty than the amount of jobs that will be lost, it will put more mid-sized families in a more comfortable living space and give homeless teens homes. Sure it could ripple through the economy in weird ways but It is worth the risk for the reward the United States will get if we raise the minimum wage. So think about this. What benefits do we get by not raising the minimum wage?

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