Racism on African Americans | Teen Ink

Racism on African Americans

February 11, 2013
By Kamip5 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Kamip5 BRONZE, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Winners never quit, and quitters never win" -Vince Lombardi

African Americans have the highest racial hate crime. That rate is 2,901 people each year.(www.teamwmi.com) Racism is something that needs to be addressed. It can not go on any longer. African American racism in the U.S. is a big problem because they are not getting treated fairly.

One of my very good friends has been affected by this. My friend Rucy is from Ethiopa. Her parents adopted her and her brother from there. When they came back to cross the border, the patrol didn't let them pass because Rucy and her brother were black. Her parents had to pay a bigger fine than what they had to just to get them across the border. Those border officers need to think about how they would feel if they were Rucy and her brothers new parents were trying to cross the border to get to their new home. People need to realize that everyone is the same.

Between 1975-1997 African Americans had the highest unemployment rate just because they were black. (gbgm-umc.org)People need jobs to support their families, and for people not to give jobs to African Americans because they were black, is wrong. Also the more jobs that people work for and make, makes money for the government and gives their family enough money to support their families and pay their taxes. Wouldn't businesses want more employees?

This problem can be solved by starting an organization at schools. For example there is this club called, “Spread the Word to End the Word.” That organization is for the r-word. It is meant to stop kids from saying it because we have kids with disabilities. Anyways we could get a bunch of people together to have a campaign and take a stand against racism. The more people we get to go against racism, the safer of an environment we will have!

African American racism is a big problem because people aren't getting treated the same as everyone else. Just because someone is black does npt t mean that they are different. It means that they are just like everyone else. They just have a different skin color thats all. There would not be any problems if people would just treat everyone fairly.

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