This Country Ain't Right | Teen Ink

This Country Ain't Right

December 17, 2013
By jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
jamaicanlibra96 SILVER, Wilmington, Delaware
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

“You’re worthless.” “You will never amount to anything.” You’re ignorant.” “You don’t deserve to be in this country.” We grow up in a society that doesn’t understand the meaning or concept of respect. People bring other races down to make them feel good about themselves. In reality, it’s just making everything worse for everyone. For somebody that has to come to this country and be judged on their ethnicity is hurtful. People base all their information on ridiculous stereotypes. Evidently, they think they are legit but they are not.

When I hear all this prejudice against one race, I try to ignore it. But, I can only ignore it for so long. Why do people judge one another on the color of their skin? Or their ethnicity? I’ve maintained not to take things like that personally. In this society, you learn to know what to take seriously and what not to take. It is the year 2013 and if people don’t choose to grow up now, they never will. Not everybody is like me. They go home and think about what people say about them. What they said about their culture. What people “claim” they know about you or your culture shouldn’t deserve your attention.

The problem is how parents raise their teacher. The parents are the ones that are judgmental. They teach their kids to prejudge other children before getting to know them. Brainwash. Parents feed their children stereotypes that aren’t true. Children who are so immune to listening and believing what their parents say, they stick that into the back of their minds.

It’s about time where we need to teach the children of my generation the right way to live. Parents are too busy living in the past. Stuck on what happened years ago. Acknowledge their children on how they lived years ago when discrimination was acceptable to them. Their future will never obtain success.

We have acknowledged that we have a lot of flaws as a country. Is it possible for us to change our ways? Our lifestyles? Yes, it starts with one person at a time. As a country we should become as one. Our country is a melting pot. Why all the hostility and hatred towards one another? Society needs to change their ways. Stop with the disgusted and ugly looks towards someone’s skin color or ethnicity. You can’t change who someone is. You can only accept it. Embrace it.

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