Will the Use of Renewable Energy Solve the Problems of Global Warming? | Teen Ink

Will the Use of Renewable Energy Solve the Problems of Global Warming?

May 28, 2019
By Amane BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Amane BRONZE, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Global Warming is the increased global temperature caused by increasing levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. Although some believe that Global Warming is a natural occurrence, it has been scientifically proven that renewable energy can be the solution to the problems of Global Warming.

The use of renewable energy can solve multiple issues that Global Warming causes. It’s been scientifically proven that the use of renewable energy will improve public health and environmental equality. According to the Union of Concerned Scientist, “renewable energy rather than fossil fuels offers significant public health benefits” The gross domestic product due to health associated with fossil fuels are “between $361.7 and 886.5 billion dollars”. The gross domestic product is the amount of service provided in a year, by having the money in a high range, it would be beneficial to use renewable energy to reduce the amount of money being used every year. Scientist Kim Krisberg states “pollutants caused by non-renewable sources” cause neurological water damage, heart attacks, and cancer. By using renewable energy and replacing it with fossil fuels and other pollutants this will lower the chance of serious health conditions.

Compared with other fossil fuel technologies, which are typically mechanized and capital intensive the renewable energy industry is more labor intensive. This means more jobs are created from renewable energy sources than from fossil fuels. The union of concerned scientist writes “in 2011, the wind energy industry directly employed 75,000 full-time employees” in variety of different capacities. The use of renewable energy is proven to provide more jobs to people who are currently unemployed and have experience with electricity and jobs involving renewable energy. Tellus Institute writes “jobs directly created in the renewable energy industry” creates a positive economic ripple effect. Industries in the renewable energy supply will benefit “local businesses, increased household, and business incomes.” Using renewable energy will provide people jobs and improved economic benefits in which are major problems that need to be solved about global warming.

Lastly, renewable energy sources would not increase the levels of greenhouse gases. As mentioned previously, global warming is caused by the greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide, that are in the atmosphere trapping heat from the sun and preventing it from escaping back into space. There are many carbon dioxides produced by natural occurrences such as the decay of plant and animal matter. In addition to this, human activities such as burning fossil fuels, "add an extra 7 billion tons per year" according to the Macmillian Social Science Library from opposing viewpoints, and in the past 200 years, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has risen by over 30%. Since renewable energy is energy that is made by naturally produced wind, sunlight, rain, and waves, increasing the use of renewable energy would "allow us to replace carbon-intensive energy sources" and significantly reduce global warming emissions according to the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

Opponents of renewable energy sources argue that the gases that are emitted from non-renewable sources, such as fossil fuels, are not the cause of global warming; it's a natural phenomenon. Therefore, using renewable energy would not change anything. However, this argument is proven wrong by numerous scientists that greenhouse gases are the cause of global warming. According to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the amount of greenhouse gases trapped in the earth has increased significantly over time and earth's temperature has increased by 1.5 Fahrenheit in 100 years. In contrast, according to Macmillian Social Science Library from opposing viewpoints, “the earth's temperature has risen only about 9 Fahrenheit since the last ice age”, which was 10,000 years ago. By this data, it is concluded that the “pace of global warming has been accelerated” due to the greenhouse gases emitted from non-renewable sources. Also, other opponents of renewable energy sources claim that renewable energy sources will not satisfy energy demands. Lexile Measure from opposing viewpoints argues that “sometimes there is little or no wind” therefore the renewable energy that gains energy from will not produce enough energy. To solve this problem, people could use both renewable energy sources and non-renewable energy sources. By using both, energy demands would be satisfied because non-renewable energy could produce energy when renewable energy cannot produce energy due to wind problems or other problems. Also, the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere would be reduced because if most of the non-renewable energy is replaced by renewable energies, renewable energies produce little to no greenhouse gases thus it would reduce the number of gases that are emitted. This solution might not be effective in terms of solving the problems of global warming compared to replacing every non-renewable energy with renewable energies, however, it would reduce the number of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere in long terms and it would solve opponent’s concerns about not satisfying the energy demands.

To conclude, the use of renewable energy will solve the problems of global warming because it improves public health and environmental quality, provides more job opportunities, and would not increase the levels of greenhouse gases. Although the use of renewable energy sources is a great way to solve the problems of global warming, its cost can be a struggle for some people. However, there are many other ways people could do to help to solve problems of global warming or to reduce greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere. For example, people could ride bicycles instead of cars to reduce the number of carbon dioxide added to the atmosphere. Also, some people could start using solar powers at their house instead of using electricity that gains energy from non-renewable resources. Many people claim that those solar panels are very expensive, but recently, prices of solar panels had been decreasing every year. Thus, many people are more likely to be able to afford it.

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