missing you | Teen Ink

missing you

December 16, 2021
By hannajean4999 BRONZE, Springboro, Pennsylvania
hannajean4999 BRONZE, Springboro, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dear me,

Most people think being in love for the first time is the best feeling in the world. Finding someone that cares about you and makes you feel whole, there's nothing else like it. But what those same people don't say, is how painful it really is. There's nothing else like that love? There's nothing else like that pain. When you think you met the person you belong with, and you put your all into that relationship. You smother yourself in their love. And sooner or later, they're all you can think about. You think you're happy. You think you guys are gonna be together forever. Now that's a cliche. Being in love with someone like that, you lose yourself. And you might begin to change the way you act or dress or talk just so you can feel like you're perfect for your partner. You began to push your friends away, and spend every second of your time with them. A fight here and there and I assure you, you think it's your fault. You think of your partner as perfect, and if there was something wrong in the relationship, it had to be you. You love this person too much to see their flaws. Which leads to the worst break up ever. Because when you lose them, it doesn't just feel like they were all you lost. It feels like you lost everything, because for the longest time, they were your everything. Now you think back to who you were before the relationship and you realize that along the way, you somehow lost yourself. You miss the person you were before them. You miss the pure laughs, and huge smiles, and sleepovers with your best friends. Now instead of those things, you're stuck with guilt and sleepless nights and heart aching memories. Those friends you had before, are no longer your friends. And it feels like the life you had before too, is no longer your life. But I promise there's a way out of that deep hole that relationship puts you in. You're still gonna think about them, and it's gonna hurt. But work on getting your friends back, your life back. Start fresh. And day by day, you'll get happier. And when you think about them it'll hurt less and less, until it only hurts a little, and then nothing at all. I miss happy you. See you soon.

The author's comments:

This piece was written by me, to inspire me to get my life together and help me work through this. All that is written in this, is my story, my feelings, my life. Maybe some of you can relate it. Hope you enjoy.

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