My Role Model | Teen Ink

My Role Model

June 7, 2023
By Anonymous

When Mrs. Carnell told us to write a quick write on our role model, my dad came straight to mind. Whenever I am around him there is no time when we are not smiling or bonding in some way. Everyday he lights up my life in ways I am always so grateful for. 

You think of good friends when you think of connections, but, with my dad we can think the same, talk the same, and even say the exact same words without command. With his past in the Marines, he has taught me strength, discipline, and most of all, “mind over matter.” Throughout the years, he always tells me the same things, and when I was younger I blew it off. But now, his words of wisdom have grown in me like a weed. No matter if it is a good day or even if it seems like the sun is crying down rain, he always reminds me how proud of me he is, and that he is always by my side.

 The words “role model” are extremely broad words that people can pick any person real or fake to choose from. I had no hesitation choosing my dad because there has never been a time in my life where I can’t go to him for help or just to feel safe. Growing up with split parents was hard and still to this day is hard. My mom and dad have never gotten along and I have always been in the middle of it. But, my dad no matter what is going on will speak up about keeping me out of it after he saw how I felt every time they argued. It truly has helped me almost forget about it because I am not in the middle of all their arguments. The optimism he has for any situation has made me never give up. His words are always, “ Don’t worry, we will figure it out eventually.” He could say this about finding his phone in the house or finding the treasure at the end of the rainbow.

 I will never forget the time we did a project together, building an entire deck up north. I can still see the water pouring down on us for 3 days straight causing us to stop and go all weekend long. But, having just us two together really made our bond and connection strong. Whether it's saying the same movie when we want to watch one or, sitting down and talking about my future, he always will have my interest in mind in any circumstance. 

The author's comments:

My dad and I have always been close so choosing him seemed right

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