Over The Years... | Teen Ink

Over The Years...

August 29, 2009
By Darkstar6265 GOLD, Centennial, Colorado
Darkstar6265 GOLD, Centennial, Colorado
10 articles 0 photos 36 comments

Favorite Quote:
Everything you have will someday be gone. Even if you don’t miss it now, you probably will later. So take pictures and hide them in your memories so you can recall them later after everything that is becomes everything that was. OR I know you’re hurting, even if it’s just when you’re alone and thoughts seem to rush into your head and you can’t seem to keep them from coming in. But there can be beauty in pain; Even though sometimes it’s hard to see.

I remember when I used to look down this road and I saw all of my friends with all their morals held tightly next to their hearts. But now just a few years later I realized that those morals have faded, and have slowly began to separate from their hearts. The reasons for? I'm not really quite sure. But, I would assume, it's from others pushing them to be like everyone else. Peer pressure, the feeling/need to fit in, to be popular. Or maybe it's experiences that have led them to a crossroad, in which they chose the wrong path, which ended up being the hardest one to get off of. It's sad to look around now, especially when I walk down this road, because only a few are left their standing with me, with
their morals, and their goals still held tightly next to their hearts. Their convictions and beliefs have held steady over the years, and that's more then I can say for everyone else. But I know as time goes on that this road will become even more barren than it already is. And I actually know the reason why this is. It's because people change over time. Especially at the years I'm currently standing in front of. They become the people they are going to be for the rest of their lives. They have lived long enough to see what is alright, and what isn't. But they have also become numb to these things. You may be asking yourself how this may be, but it all boils down to how they chose to live their lives, and how they grew up. Starting off with who they chose to spend their time with. Because whether you know it or not these people condition you to see the world in different eyes. They slowly make you believe their beliefs, teach you that the things that you once thought were wrong, are now right. Which means that you've lost sight of who you wanted to become... and I'm afraid that once you lose it, you can't ever get it back. So I must remember what I wanted to be as a child, and also not buy into the propaganda that we have been fed by our society. The propaganda they feed us every day. That we need to be like everyone else in order to "fit in". and that, dreams, are just that, dreams. But that's not what I have chosen to believe. I believe that if you dream long enough, and put all your heart, and everything you are into to it, that it will come to be. That you'll sore to heights never seen before. That you'll reach limits that never were, and most importantly you'll remind people of the things they once dreamed about becoming, so that they too, can achieve their dreams, and continue to spread dream, until we get to the point where nothing, is impossible.

The author's comments:
Recap of what this is about. Friends forgetting the morals they once had. When they used to say that they'd never do something, and now how they are doing that very thing. Also
about how they got to this point, whether it be from friends leading them down a lonely road (drugs/depression/etc), or experiences leading them down that same road, or the feeling of peer pressure/fitting in. Also seeing society as a whole agreeing to something that you thought was/is wrong and how they’ve lead you to believe that it is. It’s also about dreams. Whither it be about them saying they’ll never come true or they are encouraging you. Also this is completely biased. And I do see the other side, which is what I’m trying to convey at the end. That even if you are the scum of the earth you can still change, and become the person you once wanted to be.

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This article has 5 comments.

Sliva23 BRONZE said...
on Jul. 4 2010 at 10:08 am
Sliva23 BRONZE, Melbourne, Other
3 articles 0 photos 58 comments

Favorite Quote:
Love to faults is always blind, always is to joy inclined. Lawless, winged, and unconfined, and breaks all chains from every mind.

Its really true...when i was a little girl i always wanted to be a writer or an artist and one day i hope to achieve this even if im old and wrinkley

Ashely said...
on Nov. 4 2009 at 1:39 pm
Ashely, Randlman, North Carolina
0 articles 1 photo 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Where's your will to be weird?"

are you talking about sex? or about every thing all together

on Oct. 13 2009 at 7:22 am
Mystery_Girl SILVER, Lake, Michigan
8 articles 6 photos 86 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Love me or Hate me"......"Me Vs. The World and the World is Winning"......"When the going gets tough the tough get going".

How true this is. I have watched it with my friends and I each day.....good job capturing the truth of it!

steph10 said...
on Sep. 25 2009 at 3:38 pm
OMG....i love this article!!!its so true...it makes u think...and some people need that!!!

on Sep. 10 2009 at 5:32 pm
day-dreamer BRONZE, Roby, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
The quality, not the longevity of someones life is what is important the most.
`Martin Luther King

i loved it.. can't wait for more keep up the good work!