Why Me? | Teen Ink

Why Me?

May 21, 2013
By CheezitChelsea BRONZE, Bellefontaine, Ohio
CheezitChelsea BRONZE, Bellefontaine, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Speak when you are angry, and you'll give the best speech you will ever regret. ~Ambrose Bierce

Why is it me that has to deal with these feelings? I wonder if anyone else out there could possibly understand what I'm going through. "It's not you, it's me." I swear it really is.
Something is so wrong with me, I cannot take these jealous feelings I have inside of me. They set me off. They make me want to kill someone. I have never before pondered the idea of death until now, until him. He incites in me this feeling of such protectiveness, such ferocity. I don't want anyone around him. I wish to bury him in a glass cage that only i have the key and location to. I wish to hide him from the world so he can be truly mine and no one else may know him like I do. It pains me to be so crazy because I know he knows and I know it kills him like I dream of killing him. I cannot control myself sometimes. I can't stop the anger I feel and all that makes it better is letting loose my wrath and my words and my envy on the world, on everyone around me. He is my muse, and though i hate him I hate the thought of him and the sight sometimes too, Although i hate him more than hate itself, I love him so much i cannot bare to see him go. I cannot bear to turn him away one last time.
Why me?

The author's comments:
This is inspired by my boyfriend and the way he makes me feel sometimes.

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