the ideal father | Teen Ink

the ideal father

May 23, 2013
By chris brokamp BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
chris brokamp BRONZE, Mundelein, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Do you have an ideal father in your life? Everyone has a different view on what makes up an ideal father. In the book The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini there is a boy named Amir and his father’s name is Baba. Throughout the book Amir tries to receive attention, affection and tries to become closer with his dad. Eventually Baba becomes an ideal father to Amir and is always there for him. In order to define what an ideal father is we can look at examples of Baba being an ideal father to Amir in The Kite Runner, and examples of my father in my life. An ideal Father shows you a right path to the future and supports you while showing love.

To begin an ideal father is a father who shows a right path to the future. An ideal father is someone who wants their son/daughter to grow up, become successful, and live a good life. They will do everything they can to show you the right way and help you grow up. For example on page 22 of The Kite Runner Baba is talking to Rahim Khan about how he is concerned because Amir never stands up for himself and Hassan is always the one to stand up for him. Baba said “A boy who won’t stand up for himself becomes a man who can’t stand up for anything.”This shows that Baba is concerned for the future because Amir doesn’t stand up for himself and is trying to do the best for his son. Also my father is always trying to show me the right path for the future. My father always encourages me to study and read more. He acts this way because he is trying to show me the right way for the future and prepare me for college. The ideal father shows you a right path to the future so you can become successful and live a good life.

Next, an ideal father is supportive and shows love for you. For example an ideal father would be Baba in The Kite Runner because when his son Amir graduates from high school he congratulates him and gives him a hug. This shows that Baba is proud and happy of his son. This shows he is an example of an ideal father. Also in my life my parents congratulated me and were very happy for me when I graduated from middle school. After the ceremony was over, they gave me a congrats and showed so much support for me. Although this is not something very major, it’s something an ideal parent should do. Support and love are two qualities of an ideal father as seen in The Kite Runner and my own life.

Everyone should have that ideal person in their life, no matter if its you’re mother, father, aunt, uncle, or anyone else. Although everyone has a different view on the ideal father or person in their life, I believe this person should show you the right path to the future and support you while showing love along the way. Although Baba is not an ideal father all of the time, he can be seen as an ideal father sometimes. Examples of ideal Fathers can be seen in the book The Kite Runner with Baba and in my life. If you are a father try to be an ideal father and if you are a son try to be that ideal son so your father can be your ideal father. Just because you are not an ideal person all of the time doesn’t mean that you can’t become one like Baba did in The Kite Runner.

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