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Next destination?

November 1, 2013
By Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
Meric BRONZE, Cairo, Other
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder."

Since the 1900s and maybe as early as the 1850s, people all over the world have had their cultures and ways of thinking changed. And over such period the norm changes and the conventional switches with the heterodox. During such period, the relationships between people, especially between the opposite sex, has indeed become more complex. It has been always every guys dream to embark on a journey in life along with a funny, attractive, and of course ''sexy'' type of girl. However, girls to guys seem complex and hard to decode; consequently, guys are to girls out of the norm and somehow eccentric. But how can a person really determine his or her potential mate and approach him or her correctly? Such question has been a dilemma. However the dilemma isn't created on its own, but it comes as a result of many causes such as one's surrounding society and of course the influence of the beloved pop culture. Movies and so have always been advocates in love stories that portray a potential soul mate as any attractive girl who's a cheer leader, and that eventually the geeky nerd will get the attractive cheerleader. So stereotypical! The real world is extremely different: From a guy's point of view, I think that many girls always base their choice of a guy on the premise that familiarity is essential to intimacy. I respectfully disagree! You don't have to know a guy from maybe grade 1? so that you'll be able to trust him with your soul even though he might mistreat you. So.. where's the problem? Well the problem lies in many girls' reluctance to even try or accept someone new even if such someone was the first to approach. Typically, many girls always fear unfamiliar faces even if they might be better than familiar ones. So what's the solution, doc.? Well in my humble perspective I think that a guy should not give up and that he should try his best to approach to the girl he wishes to approach. Even if she constantly ignores you, don't worry little birdie you will have your time to shine and you will have a bird to fly with to the next destination.

The author's comments:
What I write is inspired from my live in a very unconventional and rather eccentric society.

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