Mans Best Friend | Teen Ink

Mans Best Friend

December 2, 2013
By ErinJaneen BRONZE, Elko, Nevada
ErinJaneen BRONZE, Elko, Nevada
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Man’s Best Friend

Marley and Me is obviously one of the sweetest movies. Everyone can relate to it, everyone’s had a “man’s best friend,” whether you still have them hanging around sleeping at the foot of your bed every night, or in my case taking up my whole entire bed leaving me at the foot, or you lose them along the way, they could never be replaced and they’ll always have that place in your heart because they were once your best friend.

I’m sure that you’ve noticed that your dog is there for you when no one else is, and no it doesn’t make you weird if you cry to your dogs about your problems rather than crying to your friends. They listen, maybe it’s because they can’t actually talk back to interrupt you but they listen.

We all have that old grumpy guy on the block that yells at you when you walk by, and you’ve probably noticed he’s got a dog and I can guarantee that dog is his best friend. The dog’s personality is a lot like the old man’s isn’t it? That dog barks at you as you walk by while the old man’s yelling at you, and his grey musty hair matches his owners, but no matter how much that grumpy old man and mean old dog scare the crap out of you, your heart melts every time you see them hobbling along the street together.

Rottweilers, Pit bulls, Doberman pinchers, and other dogs seem to have a bad reputation when it comes to family dogs just because they’ve been a guard dog in a couple movies. My grandparents used to have this dog, it was a Rottweiler named Bubba and he was the sweetest thing. When I was little I would lay down on his back, pull his ears, his hair and everything else you could think of and he would just lay there and relax like it felt good or something. He was the perfect dog and not aggressive at all. So obviously it’s the way they’re raised. My grandparents home owners insurance even got raised just because they owned a Rottweiler, but if they only knew that he was a big fluffy teddy bear. So many people look for a “family dog.” What is a good family dog? I mean, don’t you think you could raise any dog to be a good family dog? Well obviously you can because I just gave you the perfect example, but why do people go crazy about having a yellow lab (don’t get me wrong I have a yellow lab and he’s so sweet), or
a golden retriever? I’m sure you could show them how to bite someone’s face off and they’d be your scary guard dog in a second.

Having a dog can get in the way of your planned family vacations and you feel bad leaving them alone, I know, but they get you back don’t they. You come home ready to crash in your own bed but you can’t because your dog ripped up your pillows and peed all over your bed, great huh. You can’t stay mad at them though, they’ve got those eye that make you just want to cuddle, and then you start to cuddle them, so I guess that could be their punishment, you could like cuddle them to death or something?

My little weeny dog named bean follows me to bed every night and jumps on my bed ready to cuddle. It’s so precious, and let me tell you it sure makes my day so much better after a crappy one knowing that my little bean is there to make me feel better and I bet you have a dog that’s ready to make your day when you get home and it probably does make your day, every single day.

Your five years old and you just got your first dog, and he’s ready to take care of you. It’s funny how it works that way but it really does. When my mom was little she ran out into the street and her dog Heidi pushed her out of the way of a car, and just like that they were instant best friends and she was there for her the rest the way.

Soon you’re an adult and you then take care of your dog instead of the other way around, you pet them and feed them a lot and everything else. Then your old, and so is your dog but then they begin to take care of you. They bring you the remote when your arthritis is too bad to get off your lazy boy and they bring you your pillow for your sore neck before bed, simply because they’re your best friend and they’re doing all the things you did for them.
You love them and they sure love you, I guess that’s why they’ll always be man’s best friend.

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