interstellar | Teen Ink


January 26, 2022
By Anonymous

       Interstellar is one of the best sci-fi movies I have personally ever watched. The main character Joseph Cooper played by Matthew McCaughey leads an expedition to a black hole by Saturn. He was an ex-astronaut for NASA before the government shut it down. He and his family(his dad and two kids) are farmers and they are trying to survive farming as much as they can and going to school. His son was told he would pass as a farmer as for the daughter she doesn't want to be a farmer she's more like her father. She wants to make a change. One day strange things happen in the girls' rooms sand falls in a linear form and books fall out in a morse code type of way. She tells her father that he doesn't listen and later on, he starts to see something in those messages he receives an address that leads him to a secret base. They recruit him to the crew and to the expedition. He has to say goodbye to his family. He won't return until he and his daughter become the same age. The time in the black hole is different than on earth. As the ship takes off he doesn't realize that it will change everything he's ever perceived on time and life.


       This movie is a great movie about time and space travel. It has many different messages you can perceive like a connection between a father and daughter. It can be about what life will be like in the future trying to save the earth or having to find a new home on a new earth. It can be a film about love with space travel being the theme. I like to think about it as a movie about time and how different it is, how different it can be perceived, and how to think there's something more out there that we have absolutely no idea about.


      The acting in this movie is amazing. Some of the best actors do some of the best performances. I like to give credits to the main actors Matthew McCaughey, Jessica Chastain and Anne Hathaway. They give an incredible performance and make this movie what it is. 


     This movie overall is amazing one of the greatest films about space travel and time. If I were a movie critic I would honestly rate this movie a 3.8/5. It's an incredible movie the first time you watch it is just gonna make you wanna watch this movie again and again. The plot is amazing it's just a mind f*ck movie almost it really gets you thinking about all the endless possibilities of the movie. One of the greatest films of all time for sure. 


The author's comments:

so what made me wanna write a review about this movie was just how good it was honestly I really enjoyed watching this movie very much it's one of my favorite movies I liked the acting in this movie and the concept of time really interests me.

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