Graduation Speech | Teen Ink

Graduation Speech

May 13, 2019
By Emily_Frattarelli BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
Emily_Frattarelli BRONZE, Wentzville, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Graduation. This is the day that we have been waiting for our whole lives. Through all of the hardships and stress, we've finally made it. No more waking up at the crack of dawn, stressing about homework that you swear the teacher didn't tell you about, praying that rogerhub shows you a hopeful requirement for your finals scores, meeting your friends in between classes, spilling the tea, or going out to get food after school. While we gain many benefits in this crucial step, we also lose a major part of our life. Everything changes.

On the other side of that, graduation means more freedom, it means being that much closer to starting your life. So now let's talk about what that means. When you think about it, life is terrifyingly short. You get through school, go to college if you want, work for 40 or so years, then retire and die. That's it. What you do in this short time that you are on earth will affect how you are remembered. So now that you are free, what do you want to do? The most common type of answer to this question is one that is exaggerated or extreme, such as to become an astronaut, the president of the United States, or a neurosurgeon. I am not saying that these things are not possible (they probably aren't), but there are better ways to set goals for yourself in life. Choose goals that do not have the intention of being remembered by many people, but by  people that truly matter. Your family. Your close friends. Yourself. The people that you influence and that influence you as well. An example of this would be any job that provides for your family and also makes you happy. Or rob a bank or something. Whatever floats your boat.

Long story short, you've made it. Have a great life.

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