My School Uniform | Teen Ink

My School Uniform

October 24, 2019
By Alexzandra88 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
Alexzandra88 BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In the article "My School Uniform" by Anonymous, it really shared how society seems to be so worried about ones outfit in school rather than how that person wearing it feels and their education. In the article it mentioned, "I don't want the little girls going to school to be shamed the same way that my peers and I are". Everyone should be able to dress how they wish, rather than having to focus on the opinion of others. I feel like we live in a society that wants us to be secure and comfortable but in reality we are unable to do so because we get judged on such small things such as our clothes. For example when a child is asked to change due to to their clothes they are taking away time from one’s education time. At the end of the article it staes, “I want them to be taught they are beautiful and they can wear what they want and be proud of it”, which I truly agree with. I think this article stated many points that I agree with. Thank you for writing this piece on school uniforms and clothing in general I hope this is an eyeopener for many to realize that it’s hard for girls to dress when they are trying to please themselves and the world in general. 

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