Gymnastics Equipment | Teen Ink

Gymnastics Equipment

January 14, 2011
By shobes93 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
shobes93 SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Dear Athletics Director,

Being a senior, I have enjoyed my last two years in Arrowhead athletics. I am a part of the track and field team and the gymnastics team, both of which have had great success. We have been back to back state champions in gymnastics, and our team is proud of our accomplishments. The athletics program at Arrowhead has high achievements and is run adequately. However, I would like to bring forth a problem the gymnastics team has encountered.

During the last two years of our successful seasons of gymnastics, our team has had multiple injuries. Due to our damaged mats and broken floor, our gymnasts practice in dangerous conditions. I would like Arrowhead to consider funding new equipment, mats, and uniforms. Our equipment is detrimental to our bodies, and we have not been able to buy new uniforms for the past four years—and our leotards have worn out. We also have a limited time to practice at our gym and are frequently forced to practice at Midwest Twisters. This costs us money to practice at their facility. No other gym at Arrowhead has gymnastics equipment we can practice in. The basketball teams, on the other hand, have the ability to use any gym at Arrowhead.

This year, we are striving to win the state championship for a third year in a row. As the athletics director, we count on you to help us with our dream. You have the power to tend to our needs.
Thank you for your time.


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